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Profile of Russ Teubner

Russ Teubner

Board Dir. - iTradeFair.com
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Company Name : iTradeFair.com
Company Website : www.itradefair.com
Company Address : 16 W. 7th
Ste. 328, Stillwater, OK,
United States,
Russ Teubner Profile :
Board Dir. - iTradeFair.com
Russ Teubner Biography :

Russell W. (Russ) Teubner is the founder of HostBridge Technology. Russ is a seasoned entrepreneur within the software industry. Much of Russ' 22-year career has focused on the development and delivery of software products that integrate existing and emerging technologies within large organizations. Since many large organizations rely heavily on IBM mainframes and applications, Russ has focused much of his creative energy on solving the difficult problems associated with the integration of these legacy systems with technologies that have emerged or evolved more recently. Mr. Teubner is recognized as having done pioneering work in the integration of IBM mainframes and applications with UNIX systems, TCP/IP networks, facsimile transmission networks and, most recently, the World Wide Web.

Having brought the first web-to-host (W2H) product to market in 1995, he knows first-hand the difficulties in developing host access solutions that meet the needs of large enterprises. As the infrastructure around e-commerce and e-business matured, he quickly recognized the importance of the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) as a data delivery tool that could enable CICS applications to communicate with other XML-enabled applications. This led to the the development of HostBridge, an easy-to-use solution that runs on OS/390 and enables CICS applications to emit XML for use in e-commerce and e-business.

Career Highlights

Teubner and Associates. Russ' founded his first company in 1983. Over 15 years, Teubner and Associates developed four product lines (A-Net, Corridor, Faxgate, and ESP: The Expert Support Program) and spread its reach to include customers in 35 countries on six continents. Teubner was named to Inc. Magazine's list of the 500 fastest growing privately held companies in America three consecutive years

CustomerSoft. Russ founded this company in 1988 as a spin-off of Teubner and Associates' ESP product line. He currently serves on the Board of Directors.

Esker. In 1988, Teubner and Associates merged with French-based Esker S.A. to form Esker, Inc. Russ currently serves on the Esker Supervisory Board.

Besides iTradeFair.com, Russ also serves on the Board of Directors of

Southwest Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ: OKSB)


Federal Reserve Bank - Oklahoma City Branch

Russ is also actively involved with two technology-oriented venture capital funds: Chisholm Private Capital Partners and Access Venture Partners. Chisholm, with offices in Tulsa and Oklahoma City, focuses its attention within the state of Oklahoma. Access Venture Partners, with offices in Denver and Austin, focuses on the mid-continent region of the United States.

Personal Highlights

1992, Stillwater Chamber of Commerce recognized Russ as Citizen of the Year

1993, Russ received the Outstanding Young Oklahoman award from the Oklahoma Jaycees

1996, Graduate of the MIT Birthing of Giants program

1996 and 1997, Russ served on the Citizen's Commission on the Future of Oklahoma Higher Education

1997, Oklahoma State University (OSU) named Russ as a recipient of their Distinguished Alumni Award

1998, Russ and his wife Julie were honored by President and Mrs. Clinton during a White House Rose Garden Ceremony which recognized a select group of companies and business owners who promote family-friendly employment policies within their organizations and communities

1999, Russ was inducted into the OSU College of Business Hall of Fame - the highest honor the College can bestow upon one of its graduates

Currently, Russ serves as a board member of these organizations:

OSU Education and Research Foundation

Oklahoma Technology Development Corporation

Stillwater Center for Business Development

Global Commerce Network (GCN), a non-profit organization devoted to helping business leaders extend their influence into the social sector

Russ Teubner Colleagues :
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Ramesh Sharda

Dir., Pres., co - Founder Please login

Ramesh Sambasivan

Board Dir., Co - Founder Please login

Elliott Schwartz

Board Dir. Please login

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