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Profile of Ryan Wood

Ryan Wood

Assoc. Attorney - Downey Brand Seymour & Rohwer LLP
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Company Name : Downey Brand Seymour & Rohwer LLP
Company Website : www.downeybrand.com
Company Address : 555 Capitol Mall
10th Fl., Sacramento, CA,
United States,
Ryan Wood Profile :
Assoc. Attorney - Downey Brand Seymour & Rohwer LLP
Ryan Wood Biography :


Authored a successful CEQA writ of mandate brief to invalidate a City of Oakland ordinance banning plastic carryout bags at retail establishments on the ground that the ordinance's practical effect caused substantial adverse impacts on the environment.

Successfully obtained a demurrer without leave to amend on behalf of three public agencies in a complex natural resources case involving extraterritorial taxation and mineral royalties.

Took a substantial role in the defense of a general contractor in a personal injury action that included significant insurance coverage and contractual indemnity disputes. The settlement was obtained without further cost to the client and included complete indemnification of the client's attorneys fees.

Successfully briefed and argued a motion to quash service of summons for lack of personal jurisdiction on behalf of an out-of-state client facing potentially significant exposure in a products liability action.

Took a substantial role in a case protecting several large grocery chains from unwanted aggressive solicitors, successfully obtaining a summary adjudication of the key issues to the dispute followed by a favorable settlement.

Took a substantial role in the defense of a county sheriff's department and deputies in a Wrongful Death and Civil Rights case involving a jail suicide.

Successfully negotiated a settlement in favor of the Sacramento Municipal Utility District in a civil action alleging that power lines caused a house fire. The settlement was obtained without further cost to the client.

Successfully negotiated a settlement in favor of a county and multiple county officials in a civil suit alleging fraud and conspiracy. The settlement was obtained without further cost to the client.

Successfully negotiated a settlement in favor of a municipal airport in an action alleging race and ethnic discrimination in hiring independent contractors. The settlement was obtained without further cost to the client.


United States Navy Reserve, Senior NCO/ Naval Facilities Expeditionary Logistics Center (Surge Unit) Administration Officer

Deployed to Al Anbar Province, Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom from July 2006 to March 2007 as the Intelligence Chief for a construction battalion; awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal for tactical mission planning that contributed to the safety of construction and tactical units operating in Western Iraq; and awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal for outstanding leadership of an eighty member detachment.


Sacramento County Bar Association, Business Section, Member

Veterans of Foreign Wars, Member

California State University Sacramento, Alumni Association (Business Chapter), Board Member

United States District Court for the Eastern, Northern and Central Districts of California, Admitted to Practice.

Ryan Wood Colleagues :
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David Aladjem

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Annie Amaral

Assoc. Attorney Please login

Sallie Armstrong

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Meghan Baker

Assoc. Attorney Please login

George Basye

Of Counsel Please login

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