Ryan Gustafson is an urban forester with Davey Resource Group. Mr. Gustafson conducts computerized tree inventory projects for municipalities, parks, and golf courses, and as such has experience with pen-based GIS data collection units. He has assisted in Oak Lawn, Illinois, Hamilton Country Club, Ontario, and Clearwater and Lakeland, Florida tree inventory projects. Mr. Gustafson�s past internship experience includes working for The Davey Tree Expert Company for two summers as a Lawn Care Technician and working on a tree care crew. He interned for two summers as the Assistant County Forester for Sherburne County, Minnesota, working closely with the County�s oak wilt suppression program and the County park system. He also had an environmental internship in Phayao, Thailand, where he learned about the local natural resources and provided recommendations on how to improve current environmental programs. He is a Certified Arborist (MN-4145A) with the International Society of Arboriculture and was elected President of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point chapter of the Student Society of Arboriculture in 2004. He is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point with a Bachelor of Science degree in urban forestry. |