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Profile of Ryszard Kole

Ryszard Kole

Sr. VP - Discovery Research - AVI BioPharma
Ryszard Kole Email :
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Company Name : AVI BioPharma
Company Website : www.antivirals.com
Company Address : One SW Columbia
Ste. 1105, Portland, OR,
United States,
Ryszard Kole Profile :
Sr. VP - Discovery Research - AVI BioPharma
Ryszard Kole Biography :

Dr. Kole joined AVI BioPharma in April 2008. He is a pioneer in the use of oligonucleotides for the modulation of splicing. He received his Ph.D. from the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. As a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Dr. Sidney Altman at Yale University Dr. Kole provided early evidence that an RNA component is essential for the activity of a tRNA processing enzyme RNase P. Subsequent discovery that RNase P is a ribozyme was recognized by a Nobel Prize for Dr. Altman. After joining the Department of Pharmacology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as a faculty member Dr. Kole�s work led to a discovery that splicing provides a novel target for gene based therapies of numerous disorders including cancer genetic diseases and metabolic disorders such as obesity. Dr. Kole founded Ercole Biotech Inc. to develop and commercialize this technology.

Ryszard Kole Colleagues :
Name Title Email

John Hodgman

Dir. Please login

Janet Christensen

VP - Regulatory Affairs, Quality Please login

Patrick Iversen

Dir., Sr. VP - Research, Development Please login

Mark Webber

CFO, CIO Please login

Peter O'Hanley

Sr. VP - Clinical Development, Regulatory Affairs Please login

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