1984, M.S., Audiology, University of Arizona, Tucson
1982, B.A., Speech and Hearing Science, Indiana University, Bloomington
Academic and Professional Appointments
Advanced Bionics Corporation
May 2004-present
Valencia, CA
Consumer Services Supervisor, Bionic Ear Association
Conduct various activities in direct support of cochlear implant candidates and users, including the design, coordination, and implementation of a volunteer network of cochlear implant users throughout North America. Within this position, I am able to utilize my own experiences as a cochlear implant recipient as of February 2004 to provide support, encouragement, information, tips, and product development suggestions to individuals within and outside the company.
Arizona State University
Department of Speech and Hearing Science
Tempe, Arizona
Clinical Associate Professor, Audiology
Provided clinical audiological instruction and supervision to students in audiology and speech/language pathology through undergraduate and graduate classroom teaching and direct client contact.
Co-Owner: Communication Access Solutions, LLC
Provided consultation, communication needs assessments, work-site accessibility evaluations, ADA consulting, public presentations, trainings, and assistive technology sales for individuals with hearing loss and deafness, government agencies, businesses, non-profit organizations, and support groups for hearing impaired individuals.
The Methodist Hospital/Baylor College of Medicine
1984 1986
Houston, Texas
Clinical Audiologist
Provided full range of diagnostic and rehabilitative audiological services for a diverse adult and pediatric population. Diagnostic services included extensive experience with differential diagnosis and Auditory Evoked Potentials. Rehabilitative services included hearing aid and assistive listening device evaluation, dispensing, and monitoring.
Clinical Certification
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Certificate of Clinical Competence in Audiology
Arizona State Licensure in the Fitting and
Dispensing of Hearing Aids
Arizona State Licensure in Audiology
Professional Organizations
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
American Academy of Audiology (AAA)
Arizona Speech-Language-Hearing Association
American Auditory Society
Self Help for Hard of Hearing People (SHHH)
Professional Publications / Grants / Presentations
Mintz, S. and McBride, I. (2003). Aural Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology Center. Grant ($25,000) awarded from the Arizona Community Foundation for the development of an on-campus hearing rehabilitation center to service the general public and for provision of clinical teaching for ASU AuD students.
Gray, S., Wiley, T., Mintz, S. (2003). Using technology to enhance undergraduate education. Grant ($20,000) awarded by Arizona State University to establish an UG teaching laboratory to support various core speech-language pathology and audiology academic courses. Emphasis is on computer applications in clinical service provision.
Mintz, S. (1986 present). Hearing Impairment/Hearing Aids/Assistive Listening Devices. Inservices to various community, retirement, hearing loss, and professional organizations.
Mintz, S, and Alber, R. (1996-1997) Computer Technology Access for Deaf and Hard of Hearing People. Grant awarded ($54,700) from the Arizona Council for the Hearing Impaired with funds provided by the Governor=s 10% discretionary funds. Developed and implemented specialized computer training classes for deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals, with enrollment totaling 70 participants in over 64 hours of instruction.
Mintz, S. (1996). If you don�t seek, you won�t find. Poster presentation of a diagnostic case study presented at the annual national convention of the American Academy of Audiology, Salt Lake City, UT, April.
Darland, J., Sammeth, C., Mintz, S., and Preves, D. (1993). Speech recognition performance of hearing-impaired listeners using three non-linear signal processors versus linear amplification. Poster presentation at the American Academy of Audiology annual convention, Phoenix, AZ, April.
Beck, R.L. and Mintz, S. (1990). I hear what you feel: Time limited groups for hearing impaired adults. The Hearing Journal, 43, 8, p. 45 52.
Stach, B.A., Loiselle, L.H., Jerger, J.F., Mintz, S.L., and Taylor, C.D. (1987). Clinical experience with FM assistive listening devices. Hearing Journal, 40, 5, p. 24 30.
Mintz, S.L. (1986). Successful adjustment to hearing loss. Western Oregon State College Assistive Listening Devices Assessment, Rehabilitation, and Counseling Issues Conference, Portland, OR, March.
Mintz, S.L., Johnson, K.C., Stach, B.A., and Jerger, J.F. (1985). Adaptive speech audiometry in hearing aid evaluation. Technical session, ASHA Annual Convention, Washington, D.C., November.
Mintz, S.L. (1985). Diagnostic speech audiometry. Workshop in Diagnostic Audiometric Evaluation, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, October.
Mintz, S.L., Jerger, J.F., Davidson C.D., and Loiselle, L.H. (1985). Use of assistive listening devices for hearing impaired adults. Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Neurology Conference, Houston, TX, April.
Jerger, J.F., Stach, B.A., Loiselle, L.H., and Mintz, S.L. (1985). Clinical decision making: criteria and other considerations. Audiology and Speech Pathology Grand Rounds, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, February.
Mintz, S.L., Fleming, K., Loiselle, L.H. (1985) FM auditory trainers: not just for children anymore. Audiology and Speech Pathology Grand Rounds, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, January. |