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Profile of Sanjiv Sidhu

Sanjiv Sidhu

Chmn. - I2 Technologies Inc.
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Company Name : I2 Technologies Inc.
Company Website : www.i2.com
Company Address : 1I2 Pl.
11701 Luna Rd., Dallas, TX,
United States,
Sanjiv Sidhu Profile :
Chmn. - I2 Technologies Inc.
Sanjiv Sidhu Biography :

Sanjiv Sidhu founded i2 Technologies Inc. in 1988 with the vision of helping businesses make more intelligent decisions by using information resources. Today he serves i2 as chairman of its board of directors. He also works in a customer advisory role and is the company's primary evangelist for the Seven Principles of an Agile Enterprise and the i2 Agile Business Process Platform.

Under his leadership i2 grew to become a market leader serving such powerhouse clients as Texas Instruments 3M DaimlerChrysler IBM Ford Motor Company Dell Caterpillar Toshiba and VF Corporation. His multinational team of employees is one of the most experienced and highly educated workforces in the business.

Before founding i2 Sidhu was an engineer working in the world-renowned artificial intelligence laboratory at Texas Instruments in Dallas. Based on his observation that even the smartest people can juggle no more than nine variables when making decisions he proposed a design for computer software based on artificial intelligence and advanced simulation techniques. The software he proposed enabled planners at Texas Instruments to dramatically improve the management of the production process by taking real-life constraints and variables into account when making planning decisions.

Sidhu holds an undergraduate degree in chemical engineering from Osmania University in Hyderabad India and a graduate degree in chemical engineering from Oklahoma State University. In addition Sidhu has done graduate work in systems and control engineering at Case Western University in Cleveland.

Sanjiv Sidhu Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Jackson Wilson

Chmn., CEO, Pres. Please login

John Cummings

Sr. VP, Chief Marketing Officer Please login

Pallab Chatterjee

CEO Please login

Michael Berry

CFO, Exec. VP Please login

Hiten Varia

Exec. VP, Chief Customer Officer - Greater Asia, Pacific Please login

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