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Profile of Santo Costa

Santo Costa

Chmn. - Labopharm Inc.
Santo Costa Email :
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Company Name : Labopharm Inc.
Company Website : www.labopharm.com
Company Address : 480 Armand-Frappier Blvd.
, Laval, QC,
Santo Costa Profile :
Chmn. - Labopharm Inc.
Santo Costa Biography :

Mr. Costa brings to Labopharm's Board more than 30 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry in senior counsel and senior executive roles. Mr. Costa is currently Of Counsel with Maupin Taylor P.A. of Raleigh, North Carolina specializing in corporate law for healthcare companies. Previously, Mr. Costa held the role Vice Chairman and before that President and Chief Operating Officer of Quintiles Transnational Corporation. Prior to joining Quintiles, Mr. Costa held the positions of General Counsel and Senior Vice-President Administration with Glaxo Inc., US Area Counsel with Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals and Food & Drug Counsel with Norwich Eaton Pharmaceuticals.

In addition to Labopharm, Mr. Costa currently serves as director of a number of health sciences companies, including NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq:NPSP), CV Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq:CVTX), Digiscripts and Constella Group and is chairman of NeuroMedix Inc. (TSXV:NMX). Mr. Costa is an Adjunct Professor in teh clinical research program at the Campbell University School of Pharmacy.

Santo Costa Colleagues :
Name Title Email

James Howard -Tripp

Pres., CEO Please login

Sylvie Bouchard

VP, Clinical Development, Regulatory Affairs Please login

Lynda Covello

General Counsel, Corp. Sec. Please login

Damon Smith

VP - Research Development Please login

Mark D'Souza

CFO Please login

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