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Profile of Satendar Bhatia

Satendar Bhatia

VP Alliances - Interactive TKO Inc.
Satendar Bhatia Email :
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Company Name : Interactive TKO Inc.
Company Website : www.itko.com
Company Address : 1505 LBJ Fwy.
Ste. 250, Dallas, TX,
United States,
Satendar Bhatia Profile :
VP Alliances - Interactive TKO Inc.
Satendar Bhatia Biography :

Satendar Bhatia - VP Alliances In the interconnected, interoperable world of SOA technology, relationships are key. Satendar joined iTKO in July 2006 to manage key partnerships with technology and services providers. Prior to iTKO, he was VP of Strategic Alliances at ICS, a leading systems integrator, where he built partnerships with SAP, i2, Oracle, Accenture and others. Before ICS, Satendar spent 10 years at i2 with roles spanning consulting, customer support & services, business development and alliances. A graduate of Case Western Reserve University in Ohio, he started his career as a SCM consultant followed by program managing major implementations at 3M and TI. He then went on to direct and build instrumental revenue-generating support operations consisting of about 150 consultants for i2 in India and South Asia. He spent his last year at i2 managing Alliances with Microsoft & TCS and buliding go to market relationships with top IT services firms Infosys, Patni, Satyam and Wipro.

Satendar Bhatia Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Shridhar Mittal

CEO Please login

Jim MacKay

Sr. VP, ISV Alliances Please login

John Michelsen

Co - Founder, Dir., Chief Scientist Please login

Ruston Vickers

Co - Founder, CTO Please login

Tim Levey

CFO Please login

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