B.B.A., Temple University, 2001
Law School
J.D., New York Law School, 2005
Scott A. Levin is a 2001 graduate of Temple University, where he received his Bachelor of Business Administration degree with a concentration in Legal Studies. While at Temple University, Mr. Levin was a radio show host for Temple University Public Radio (WRTI), a columnist for Tempo Magazine, and a Scribe for the Presidential Summit for Volunteerism in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Mr. Levin was awarded his Juris Doctor degree from New York Law School in 2005. While at New York Law School, Mr. Levin was an Associate Editor of the New York Law School Law Review, a member of the New York Law School Journal of Human Rights, a participant in the Mediation Clinic, a student member of the Curriculum Committee, and an Octo-Finalist in the 2002 Froessel Moot Court Competition. Mr. Levin was the 2005 evening-division recipient of the Otto L. Walter Distinguished Writing Award, presented at New York Law School�s commencement ceremony to recognize the best published paper of a graduating student as determined by a faculty committee.
Mr. Levin�s numerous publications include: Sexual Exploitation of Refugee Children by UN Peacekeepers, 19 N.Y.L. SCH. J. HUM. RTS 833 (2003); An Open Question? The Effect of Cuyler v. Sullivan on Successive Representation After Mickens v. Taylor, 40 CRIM. L. BULL. 55 (2004); Surety�s Liability for Interest in Excess of Penal Sum of its Bond, (co-authored with Richard Isgard, Esq.), 14 Construct! 1, 21-23 (American Bar Association�s Construction Litigation Committee Newsletter) (2004); Some Good Deeds Go Unpunished: Payment of a Prior Claim Generally Will Not Estop an Insurer from Declining Coverage for Subsequent Similar Claims, (co-authored with Richard S. Mills, Esq.), Surety Claims Institute Annual Publication (2005); Deference or Acquiescence? How Center for National Security Studies v. U.S. Dept. of Justice Turned Disclosure on its Head, 41 CRIM. L. BULL. 381 (2005); Beating the Trustee to the Punch (co-authored with Louis A. Modugno, Esq.), 187 N.J.L.J. 176 (January 15, 2007), New Jersey Law Journal.
Mr. Levin is admitted to the bars of the States of New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, along with the United States District Courts for the District of New Jersey, the Northern, Southern, Eastern, and Western Districts of New York and the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. His practice concentrates in the areas of surety and fidelity bonding, construction litigation and commercial litigation.
Mr. Levin was named Newsletter Editor of the Fidelity & Surety Law Section of the New Jersey State Bar Assocation in 2007. |