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Profile of Scott Holbrook

Scott Holbrook

Assoc. Attorney - Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo
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Company Name : Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo
Company Website : www.aalrr.com
Company Address : 11440 W. Bernardo Ct.
Ste. 174, San Diego, CA,
United States,
Scott Holbrook Profile :
Assoc. Attorney - Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo
Scott Holbrook Biography :

Scott K. Holbrook is an associate in the Sacramento office of Atkinson, Andelson, Loya, Ruud & Romo. Scott provides representation and legal counsel to school district, county office of education, and community college district clients in labor and personnel matters, including certificated/classified employee discipline, dismissal, responding to EEOC and DFEH complaints, responding to unfair practice charges before PERB, and collective bargaining. In addition, Scott handles matters involving litigation, student discipline and expulsion, ADA, FERPA, Brown Act, Charter School petitions, interscholastic athletics and collegiate sports law, special education and general school law issues. Prior to joining AALR&R, Scott was an associate with the Sacramento office of a regional law firm where he represented school districts, county offices of education, and non-profit organizations throughout California. Scott worked as a counselor and teacher in public and private schools for twelve years before practicing education law. In addition, he has served as a high school track and field coach and as a junior league football coach. He is also a member of the Sports Lawyers Association, the California Council of School Attorneys, the Sacramento County Bar Association, and the Native Hawaiian Bar Association.

Scott Holbrook Colleagues :
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William Ackerman

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Sun Ahn

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Lisa Allred

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Steven Andelson

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Christopher Andre

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