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Profile of Scott Johnson

Scott Johnson

Staff - Weisser, Johnson & Co.
Scott Johnson Email :
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Company Name : Weisser, Johnson & Co.
Company Website : www.weisserjohnson.com
Company Address : 1301 McKinney
Ste. 2810, Houston, TX,
United States,
Scott Johnson Profile :
Staff - Weisser, Johnson & Co.
Scott Johnson Biography :

Scott Johnson has twenty-three years of investment banking experience spanning public and private financings; debt, equity, hybrid and structured securities; corporate restructurings; and acquisitions, divestitures and stock mergers. Following five years as a generalist working with companies in a variety of industries, he spent eight years with Goldman Sachs covering energy companies including oil and gas companies, oil service companies, gas distribution and electric utilities, and pipelines.

As one of the most senior members of the Goldman Sachs Energy Group, he was responsible for the execution of transactions totaling several billion dollars in the aggregate, including merger and acqusition assignments for Gulf Canada, Anadarko, Sonat, Consolidated Natural Gas and InterNorth; a natural gas drilling fund for Tenneco; master limited partnerships for the Teppco products pipeline, Maritrans (marine transport) and Petrolane (propane); as well as common stock or debt offerings for Enron Oil and Gas, Smith International, Sonat, TransCanada Pipelines, Shell Canada, PetroCanada and others.

Scott co-founded Weisser, Johnson & Co. in 1991.

Scott Johnson Colleagues :
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Frank Weisser

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Lynn Bass

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David Taylor

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