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Profile of Scott Rinaldi

Scott Rinaldi

MD - Corporate Finance - FTI Consulting Inc.
Scott Rinaldi Email :
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Company Name : FTI Consulting Inc.
Company Website : www.fticonsulting.com
Company Address : 500 E Pratt St.
Ste. 1400, Baltimore, MD,
United States,
Scott Rinaldi Profile :
MD - Corporate Finance - FTI Consulting Inc.
Scott Rinaldi Biography :

Scott Rinaldi is a managing director in FTI�s Corporate Finance practice and is based in New York. Mr. Rinaldi has more than eight years of experience providing strategic, operational, managerial and financial solutions to distressed companies as well as creditors in both in-court and out-of-court restructurings. His has served clients in the airline, retail, technology, funeral services, not-for-profit, telecommunications and manufacturing (paper products, telecommunications and industrial equipment) industries.

Most recently, Mr. Rinaldi was a member of an FTI engagement team that served as the project management office for a major U.S. airline, assisting with all aspects of the airline�s merger with another airline. He worked collaboratively with senior management to implement the overall process and protocol for managing all merger integration activities and to monitor targeted synergies and other aspects of the merger.

Mr. Rinaldi has served as the financial advisor to companies experiencing financial and operational challenges. He has led critical aspects of the Chapter 11 bankruptcy process on behalf of various debtors and has extensive experience with pre-bankruptcy planning, the reclamation claims process, cash flow management and forecasting, development of financial projections, preparation of Chapter 11 specific reports, preparation of liquidation analysis, store closings, development of the disclosure statement and plan of reorganization and the claims resolution process.

Mr. Rinaldi�s client list includes U.S. Airways, Inc.; Aloha Airgroup, Inc.; Footstar; KB Toys; Jacobson Stores; American Tissue, Inc.; Tokheim Corporation; SGL Carbon Corporation; The Loewen Group; Cosmetic Center; White Oak Plantation and Walker Digital.

Prior to advising distressed companies, Mr. Rinaldi was an internal audit officer at Crestar Financial Corporation, where he conducted internal audits of various corporate subsidiaries, including the mortgage bank, discount brokerage and various corporate functional areas. He started his career at the State Corporation Commission of Virginia, where he examined state chartered and federal member banks and thrifts.

Mr. Rinaldi holds an M.B.A from Indiana University and a B.S. in finance from Florida State University. He is a member of the American Bankruptcy Institute, the Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Advisors and the Turnaround Management Association.

Scott Rinaldi Colleagues :
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Curt Jeschke

VP - Internal Audit Please login

Joanne Catanese

Assoc. General Counsel, Sec. Please login

Theodore Pincus

Exec. VP Please login

Dominic Dinapoli

Exec. VP, COO Please login

Mark Berey

Board Dir. Please login

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