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Profile of Sean Gormley

Sean Gormley

COO, VP - LHU - Lighthouse Underwriters LLC
Sean Gormley Email :
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Company Name : Lighthouse Underwriters LLC
Company Website : www.lighthouseunderwriters.com
Company Address : 7630 Little River Tnpk
Ste. 200, Annandale, VA,
United States,
Sean Gormley Profile :
COO, VP - LHU - Lighthouse Underwriters LLC
Sean Gormley Biography :

Sean Gormley has been married for over 10 years to his beautiful wife, has two beautiful little girls, and lives in Annandale, Virginia. As an English major in college, he has absolutely no working knowledge of math or numbers, so please double check all of his figures. Having been told by his six year old that she wants horses and a farm within the next few years, you will most likely find him camped out in his office at all hours in order to maximize his overtime pay. His hobbies include the occasional whuppin' on his co-workers in racquetball, mountain biking, golf and all other manly pursuits. All of his spare time is spent in defense of the Manly way of life, as his house is full of women (his wife, two daughters and their female dog).

Sean Gormley Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Brummett Cynthia

Contact Sr. Underwriter, Take1 Please login

Daniel Hanger

Underwriting Assist., Nonprofits Please login

Johnson Stephanie

Assist. Underwriter, Plpros Please login

Losecco John

Support Team Assoc. Please login

Osei-Akoto Linda

Contact Sr. Underwriter, Eldercare Please login

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