Shae's practice includes various civil litigation issues, with a focus on the defense of health care liability claims, including claims regarding alleged physician malpractice, nursing negligence and negligence against allied health care professionals. Shae�s practice also includes defending products liability, premises liability, and toxic tort cases involving personal injury and wrongful death. Shae serves as an adjunct professor at the University of Houston Clear Lake where she teaches Legal Dimensions of Healthcare Administration.
Defense verdict in jury trial representing anesthesiologist accused of administering excessive amounts of blood pressure medication to patient during surgery to repair cheekbone fracture, resulting in cardiopulmonary arrest, brain damage and eventual death of 34-year-old female patient.
Electronic Medical & Psychological Data Privacy, Co-authored article for Texas State Bar sponsored CLE (2007)
Representing Professionals at Licensing Agencies, Co-authored article for Texas State Bar sponsored CLE Course (2006)
Effective Use of Demonstrative Evidence, " Co-authored article for Texas State Bar sponsored CLE Course (2006)
"Texas Statutory Caps and Settlement Credits After House Bill 4," 46 South Texas Law Review 1217 (2005)
"Cash or Charge? How to Frame Broad-Form Damage Questions After Harris County v. Smith," 56 Baylor Law Review 707 (2004)
Effective Opening Statements for the 21st Century, Co-authored article and presentation for Texas State Bar sponsored CLE.
The Impact of HIPAA on Personal Injury Practice,Co-authored article for Texas State Bar sponsored CLE
Settlement Credits after House Bill 4, Co-authored article for 12th Annual Advanced Medical Mal-Practice Seminar
Pitfalls in Settlement Documents," Co-authored article for Texas State Bar sponsored CLE: Advanced Personal Injury Law Course
"Preventing Multiple Medication Incidents: Minimize Harm For Your Whole System," Co-authored article and presentation for Texas State Bar sponsored CLE
State Bar of Texas
Greater Houston Society for Healthcare Risk Management
Houston Bar Association
Houston Young Lawyers Association
Editor in Chief: Greater Houston Society for Healthcare Risk Management Newsletter
Volunteer Lawyer with Houston Volunteer Lawyer Association