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Profile of Shaun Skeya

Shaun Skeya

Assoc. Attorney - Foley Hoag LLP
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Company Name : Foley Hoag LLP
Company Website : www.fhe.com
Company Address : 155 Seaport Blvd.
Seaport World Trade Ctr. W, Boston, MA,
United States,
Shaun Skeya Profile :
Assoc. Attorney - Foley Hoag LLP
Shaun Skeya Biography :

Shaun M. Skeya



Shaun Skeya's dispute resolution practice focuses on corporate and business litigation, including economic issues related to intellectual property and general commercial litigation. He also advises clients on various regulatory concerns and other government-related issues, particularly in such sensitive areas as consumer protection and professional licensing. In addition to his corporate work, Shaun represents clients in Massachusetts District Court as part of Foley Hoag's Domestic Violence Prevention Project.

During law school, Shaun worked as a judicial intern for the Honorable Raymond Brassard, Massachusetts Superior Court, and as a legal intern for the Massachusetts Department of Capital Asset Management and NSTAR. Before entering law school, he was employed as a Project Assistant for the New England Center Deafblind Project, a federal grant project funded by the U.S. Department of Education.

Bars and Court Admissions


Shaun Skeya Colleagues :
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Alexander Aber

Assoc. Attorney Please login

Michele Adelman

Counsel Please login

Nabeel Ahmad

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Ramzi Ajami

Assoc. Attorney Please login

Sarah Altschuller

Assoc. Attorney Please login

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