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Profile of Shelby Grubbs

Shelby Grubbs

Attorney Member - Miller & Martin LLP
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Company Name : Miller & Martin LLP
Company Website : www.millermartin.com
Company Address : 1170 Peachtree St.
NE, Atlanta, GA,
United States,
Shelby Grubbs Profile :
Attorney Member - Miller & Martin LLP
Shelby Grubbs Biography :

Shelby Grubbs concentrates in the areas of civil litigation and dispute resolution, including construction, intellectual property, securities, product liability, and various business and commercial matters. He has significant experience both as an advocate and as a dispute resolution neutral. Shelby has coordinated trademark litigation in three federal district courts and the High Court of Justice in London and litigation in five states against a major consumer products company. He was lead counsel for a Big Five accounting firm in defeating class certification in a nation-wide employment discrimination claim. More recently, he presented appellate arguments resulting in a dismissal of all claims against multiple defendants in the leading case on the scope of the Tennessee Anti-Trust Statute. In addition to his work as an advocate, he has served as a dispute resolution neutral and Special Master in a number of complex cases. Shelby is the editor of International Civil Procedure, a 2004 text published by Kluwer Law, and the author of several articles regarding dispute and litigation management. Shelby chaired the Tennessee Supreme Court Commission on Alternative Dispute Resolution and the Civil Justice Reform Act Advisory Group on Reduction of Cost and Delay for the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee. He is a former member of the Editorial Board of the American Bar Association's Business Law Today and co-chaired the ABA's Section of Litigation, ADR Committee. Practice Groups Antitrust & Trade Regulation Intellectual Property Litigation Complex Litigation & Mass Tort Product Liability Securities & Financial Litigation Litigation Management Insurance Coverage Education J.D., University of Alabama Law School, 1975 Member, Alabama Law Review Bench and Bar Honor Society B.A., University of Mississippi, 1971.

Shelby Grubbs Colleagues :
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Alfred Abbey

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Donald Aho

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Paul Alexander

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Dale Allen

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Evan Allison

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