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Profile of Sid Harris

Sid Harris

Sr. Consultant - Bridge Associates
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Company Name : Bridge Associates
Company Website : www.bridgellc.com
Company Address : 747 3rd Ave.
Ste. 32A, New York, NY,
United States,
Sid Harris Profile :
Sr. Consultant - Bridge Associates
Sid Harris Biography :

Mr. Harris joined Bridge Associates, LLC as a Senior Consultant in 2004. Mr. Harris has extensive strategic, financial and operational restructuring experience. His recent engagements include:

Representative Matters

Member of the Bridge Accelerated Strategic Assessment Team that prepared a business plan feasibility report for UAL Corporation (United Airlines) and its labor leadership.

Interim COO for TFS Electronics Manufacturing Services, Inc., a $40 million contract manufacturer of computer printed circuit boards and electronic peripherals.

Member of the Bridge Accelerated Strategic Assessment Team that performed an operational review of Three Five Systems, Inc. and subsequently conducted a liquidation and wind down of its global operations.


Prior to joining Bridge, Mr. Harris organized and operated Harris Associates, a global financial and consulting services firm specializing in crisis management and interim CFO services. Clients included Northwest Airlines, Great Plains Airlines, KLH Computers, Pioneer Aluminum, Composite International, Inc., Bicycle Club Casino, Caribbean Construction Services Co., Printing Industries of America, Flying Food Fare, Rosenbaum Aviation, Paradise Building Services, Associated Credit Bureaus, and Fiber Pad, Inc.

Mr. Harris has held executive positions with Dollar Rent A Car Systems as its Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer; Northwest Airlines where he was Chief Financial Officer for MLT, Inc; Staff Vice President-Financial Planning for Continental Airlines ; Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for The Seaboard Companies; and Controller for Reading and Bates Construction.

At Continental Airlines Mr. Harris was SVP Financial Planning during its successful exit from Bankruptcy. At KLH Computers he was CFO and CEO during the Chapter 11 process.

Mr. Harris was a manager for the CPA firm Sartain, Fischbein and Company in Tulsa, Oklahoma where he performed tax and audit services. In addition, he installed a computer service bureau for the firm and directed its operations, including systems design, programming, operations, and reporting for a wide variety of clients.

Professional & Civic Activities

Mr. Harris has been active in community affairs including United States Jaycees, the Resonance Center and has served as Campaign Chairman for the Dollar Thrifty Tulsa Area United Way Campaign and Chairman of the Alzheimer�s Association Gala auction. Mr. Harris is a Certified Public Accountant.

Sid Harris Colleagues :
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Carl Young

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Richard Reighard

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Michael Culver

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David Garlock

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