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Profile of Sreenivas Unnamatla

Sreenivas Unnamatla

MD - Intelligroup, Japan - Intelligroup Inc.
Sreenivas Unnamatla Email :
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Company Name : Intelligroup Inc.
Company Website : www.intelligroup.com
Company Address : 499 Thornall St.
, Edison, NJ,
United States,
Sreenivas Unnamatla Profile :
MD - Intelligroup, Japan - Intelligroup Inc.
Sreenivas Unnamatla Biography :

Sreenivas Unnamatla serves as Managing Director, Intelligroup, Japan. Mr. Unnamatla has been managing all aspects of Japan�s business ever since its incorporation in 1998. He is instrumental for setting up the local office and position it within the local market, building strong alliances with key customers like Hitachi, Microsoft, IBM, SAP Japan in that region. Under his leadership Intelligroup Japan has won several prestigious awards like SAP Award of Excellence for upgrade business in year 2004. He is also the initiators of the ERP Life-cycle Management concept within Intelligroup globally. Prior to Intelligroup, Mr. Unnamatla held several positions in SAP Japan. He earned a degree in Computer Science and Engineering and is pursuing CPD from Wharton University, Pennsylvania, USA. Mr. Unnamatla also oversees various India IT related activities in Japan and helps promote India IT in Japan.

Sreenivas Unnamatla Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Ranjit Prithviraj

COO - Intelligroup Asia Please login

Ravi Adusumalli

Board Dir. Please login

Soren Heilskov

MD - Intelligroup Nordic A, S Please login

Vikram Gulati

Board Dir., CEO, Pres. Please login

Sandeep Reddy

Board Dir. Please login

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