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Profile of Stacy Hastie

Stacy Hastie

Chmn., CEO - Environmental Operation Inc.
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Company Name : Environmental Operation Inc.
Company Website : www.environmentalops.com
Company Address : 1530 S 2nd St.
Ste. 200, St. Louis, MO,
United States,
Stacy Hastie Profile :
Chmn., CEO - Environmental Operation Inc.
Stacy Hastie Biography :

Stacy Hastie has 18 years of experience in the environmental industry. Mr. Hastie joined EOI in 1992 as the in-house industrial hygiene and safety manager. Six years later he was part of an investor group that purchased a majority interest in the company from its founder and, in 2002, Hastie bought out the other members of the group and assumed control of EOI. Under his leadership as Chairman and CEO, EOI has experienced significant growth. Since 2002, staff count has more than doubled from 60 in 2002 to more than 140 full-time employees today. Revenues have soared to more than $30 million in sales in 2005. The company recently relocated to its new, state-of-the-art headquarters in downtown St. Louis. Mr. Hastie�s expertise includes the strategic use of risk transfer tools among them the purchase of environmental insurance to cap project-related environmental cleanup costs and transfer environmental liability to facilitate complex property transactions. Born and raised in Cave-in-rock, Ill., Mr. Hastie attended college at Murray State University, receiving his bachelor�s degree in Accounting in 1990 and his master�s in occupational safety and health, with an emphasis in industrial hygiene and environmental studies, in 1992.

Stacy Hastie Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Matthew Robinson

Founder Partner, Pres. Please login

William Witts

VP - Consulting, Technical Services Please login

Rick Cwicklowski

MD - Industrial Hygiene, Abatement Services Please login

Eric Page

VP - Remediation Services Please login

Donn Haines

Sr. Industrial Hygiene Mgr. Please login

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