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Profile of Stacy Burstin

Stacy Burstin

Head - Production, Commercial Digital - Rhythm & Hues Studios Inc.
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Company Name : Rhythm & Hues Studios Inc.
Company Website : www.rhythm.com
Company Address : 5404 Jandy Pl.
, Los Angeles, CA,
United States,
Stacy Burstin Profile :
Head - Production, Commercial Digital - Rhythm & Hues Studios Inc.
Stacy Burstin Biography :

Stacy is the Executive Producer of Rhythm & Hues Studios' Design Division. Founded in 1998, the division has generated new areas of revenue for the studio and expanded it into emerging markets. Clients include Zowie Entertainment, Macromedia, TOY Innovation, Sony Computer Entertainment, 4 Kids, Bandai, Mattel and many others. The division is especially focused on developing New Media and immersive entertainment experiences. Stacy also manages the Art Department, which consists of R&H's award winning designers and directors.

Previously, Stacy was an artist's agent, involved with the development of interactive media for such companies as Warner Bros. and Litigation Sciences. Stacy also has an extensive consulting background, specializing in new business development for five years. Her experience introducing new business opportunities to venture capital and private investment firms put her in collaboration with a wide array of companies ranging from venture-backed high tech start ups to fund raising non-profit institutions. Some of the companies that resulted in successful new ventures include Handgear.com, Anet.net and Focus on Aids. Stacy holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from UCLA.

Stacy Burstin Colleagues :
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Pauline Ts'O

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Erika Wangberg-Burton

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