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Profile of Stephan Verhaart

Stephan Verhaart

CFO, Sr. VP - Finance - Dpix
Stephan Verhaart Email :
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Company Name : Dpix
Company Website : www.dpix.com
Company Address : 3406 Hillview Ave.
, Palo Alto, CA,
United States,
Stephan Verhaart Profile :
CFO, Sr. VP - Finance - Dpix
Stephan Verhaart Biography :

Steve Verhaart is responsible for directing the organization�s financial planning and accounting practices as well as its relationship with the financial community. Prior to joining dpiX, Steve was Vice President of Finance and Operations at Emulation Technology, Inc., a world leader in the adapter and test accessory market. As Vice President, he managed all internal operations of the company, which included Finance, Sales, Engineering, Information Systems and Manufacturing. Prior to Emulation Technology, Inc. Steve was Controller at Semifab Inc., an equipment manufacturing company in Hollister, California. Before joining Semifab Inc. he spent 10 years at Exar Corporation, where he played a key role in the company�s first and second public offerings, as well as setting up Accounting Systems at both a domestic and international subsidiary. As President and Owner of Seacoast Music Corporation for 5 years, Steve gained first-hand knowledge of running a successful business. In addition to Steve�s successful business career, he spent over 20 years teaching Accounting and related Business classes on a part time basis at Community Colleges throughout the Bay Area. Steve obtained his B.S. in Accounting and holds a California Teaching Credential.

Stephan Verhaart Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Frank Caris

CEO, Pres Please login

Richard Weisfield

CTO, Sr. VP - Engineering Please login

Maria Batey

VP - Manufacturing Operations, Palo Alto Division Please login

Robert Tolan

VP - Marketing, Customer Relations Please login

Terri Pederson

VP - Quality, Reliability Please login

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