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Profile of Stephane Allard

Stephane Allard

Chief Medical Officer - EpiCept Corp.
Stephane Allard Email :
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Company Name : EpiCept Corp.
Company Website : www.epicept.com
Company Address : 777 Old Saw Mill River Rd.
, Tarrytown, NY,
United States,
Stephane Allard Profile :
Chief Medical Officer - EpiCept Corp.
Stephane Allard Biography :

Dr. Allard was formerly Chief Executive Officer, President, and a Director of Biovest International. Prior to joining Biovest, Dr. Allard was Vice President of Medical Affairs of the US affiliate of Sanofi-Synthelabo, a multi-billion dollar global pharmaceutical company and was responsible for the medical strategy of products such as Plavix�, Ambien�, Avapro�, and Eloxatin�. Dr. Allard served as President of Synthelabo, Inc. and Director of Research and Development at Lorex Pharmaceuticals, where he was responsible for the development of Ambien� and the start up of Synthelabo, Inc in the US. He led the clinical activities for products such as Ambien�, Kerlone� and Uroxatral� and the liaison efforts with the FDA. He served as European Clinical Director of Clinical Research for Synthelabo (Paris). Dr. Allard received his medical doctorate from Rouen Medical College and received a Diplomate of CESAM (Certificate of Statistical Studies Applied to Medicine) and a PhD in Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics (Pitie Salpetriere Hosp.); Paris, France.

Stephane Allard Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Jack Talley

Board Dir., CEO, Pres. Please login

Robert Cook

CFO, Sr. VP, Finance, Administration Please login

Ben Tseng

Chief Scientific Officer Please login

Oliver Wiedemann

MD - Medical Affairs, Epicept Gmbh Please login

Dileep Bhagwat

Sr. VP, Pharmaceutical Development Please login

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