St�phane Fouks is Executive Co-Chairman of Euro RSCG Worldwide. Through his continued work as CEO of Euro RSCG France and CEO of Euro RSCG C&O, St�phane remains responsible for Euro RSCG's French operations, along with Mercedes Erra.
St�phane has been with Euro RSCG Worldwide since 1988, when he co-founded RSCG Public, a corporate communications consultancy. He served as the CEO of the company until 1995 when it merged with Euro RSCG Consultants and became Euro RSCG Institutional, where he remained CEO. In 1999 Euro RSCG Institutional and Hiex Reus Patner merged to form Euro RSCG Corporate. In 2001 he initiated a cross-working relationship between Euro RSCG Corporate and Euro RSCG Omnium, which then became Euro RSCG C&O.
St�phane is also an international political advisor, assisting the Polish President, and working for the French Socialist Party. In 1983 St�phane worked as an Assistant Deputy to the private secretary of French Minister of Agriculture Michel Rocard.
St�phane is a frequent guest speaker whose engagements include the French American Foundation at Princeton University and the convention of Young Leaders XIV in New York. He received his Doctorate in Political Communications from Institut d'Etudes Politiques in Paris. |