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Profile of Stephanie Hastings

Stephanie Hastings

Shareholder - Brownstein Hyatt & Farber
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Company Name : Brownstein Hyatt & Farber
Company Website : www.bhf-law.com
Company Address : 201 3rd St. NW
Ste. 1700, Albuquerque, NM,
United States,
Stephanie Hastings Profile :
Shareholder - Brownstein Hyatt & Farber
Stephanie Hastings Biography :

Ms. Hastings is a Shareholder in the Santa Barbara office of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck and co-chair of the Natural Resources Group. She counsels clients in water law and related environmental issues. Ms. Hastings represents the interests of public water providers, land developers, vineyards and other growers in both transactional and litigation matters, at trial and on appeal. She also serves as a director of the California Groundwater Resources Association, where she exercises a statewide leadership role in the field of water resources. Ms. Hastings brings a wealth of experience to the acquisition, maintenance and protection of water rights, in both the surface and groundwater contexts. She has prosecuted a full array of matters before the State Water Resources Control Board and has extensive groundwater experience, including development of new groundwater supplies in adjudicated and nonadjudicated basins, local groundwater management and groundwater litigation. She regularly assists public water providers and land developers comply with Senate Bill 610/221 (California�s water supply planning statutes). She also advises her clients in a number of related land use and environmental contexts as necessary to support water use and water supply operations. She assists clients in their acquisition of permits and other approvals from local land use entities, the Regional Water Quality Control Boards, the California Department of Fish and Game, the Army Corps of Engineers, the National Marine Fisheries Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Stephanie Hastings Colleagues :
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Steve Abelman

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Adam Agron

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Nicole Ament

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Steven Amerikaner

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Jeanine Anderson

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