University of Oregon:
Ph.D. Central Auditory Processing
University of Kansas:
M.A. Speech/Language Pathology
Oregon State University:
B.S. Speech Pathology and Audiology
Graduated Cum Laude
Certificate of Clinical Competence in Audiology
Certificate of Clinical Competence in Speech/Language Pathology
North Dakota State License in Audiology
North Dakota State License in Speech/Language Pathology
North Dakota State License to Dispense Hearing Aids
Oregon State License in Audiology
Oregon State License in Speech/Language Pathology
Minot State University;
Department Chair: 12/00 - 7/01
Director of Audiology: 8/94 - present
Responsibilities include directing the graduate program in Audiology, teaching graduate and undergraduate coursework in Audiology, Speech/Language
Pathology and Deaf Education, advising graduate students, directing theses, and
completing research.
Department Chair
Position included all duties and responsibilities of permanent Department Chair.
Eugene Clinic
Director of Speech and Hearing Department : 8/88 - 8/94
Eugene, Oregon
Responsibilities included delivery of audiology services (neuro-diagnostic,
hearing aids, industrial, central auditory processing, etc.) for preschool, school age
and adult patients. Duties also included delivery of speech pathology services
and supervision of four to five staff members.
Center for Better Hearing and Speech (Acquired by Eugene clinic 8/88)7/85 - 8/88
Eugene, Oregon
Responsibilities included coordination of patient services, contract
development with outside agencies, business administration and
delivery of audiology and speech/language pathology services (hearing aids, rehabilitation, etc.)
Graduate Teaching Fellow
University of Oregon: 9/84 - 6/88
Eugene, Oregon
Responsibilities included provision of clinical supervision to
graduate and undergraduate students in Speech/Language Pathology
as well as teaching courses and seminars.
Outpatient Rehabilitation Institute: 5/84 - 5/87
Corvallis, Oregon
Provided speech/language pathology consultation, evaluation
and treatment to children with neurological disorders/deficits.
Private Practice in Speech/Language Pathology: 5/83 - 8/84
Lawrence and Kansas City, Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri
Experience included private speech pathology services to patients
of all ages as well as contracts with:
Mid-American Rehabilitation, Inc.
Participated in developing a speech/language pathology department
in a new rehabilitation hospital in Kansas City, Missouri.
Bethany Medical Center
On-call speech/language pathologist in the hospital and rehabilitation
Center in Kansas City, Kansas.
Clinicare Family Health Services
Provided speech/language pathology services in home health in
Kansas and Missouri.
Atchison-Jefferson Education Cooperative: 8/82 - 5/83
Oskaloosa, Kansas
Developed a speech/language program and provided speech/language
services for two school districts with emphasis on children with
hearing impairment, multiple disabilities as well as those in regular
education. Provided training and supervision in classrooms for three
paraprofessionals and two certified teachers.
Holton Special Education Cooperative : 1/81 - 6/82
Holton, Kansas
Developed a speech/language department and program in an area
covering five school districts. Provided speech/language and aural
rehabilitation services to an average caseload of 55 children.
Supervised one paraprofessional.
Addenbrookes Hospital: 6/80 - 12/80
Cambridge, England
Provided part-time speech/language pathology services to patients in the
rehabilitation unit of the hospital.
Professor, Minot State University,
8/94 - present
Communication Disorders Department
Adjunct Professor, University of Oregon
1/89 - 8/94
Audiology and Speech/Language Pathology
Graduate Teaching Fellow, University of Oregon
9/84 - 6/88
Audiology and Speech/Language Pathology
Minot State University
Undergraduate Level
Aural Rehabilitation for Educators of the Deaf : 2 Semester Hours
Aural Rehabilitation for Majors in Communication Disorders: 2 Semester Hours
Speech and Hearing Science (acoustics and hearing science portion) :2 Semester Hours
Graduate Level
Advanced Audiology: 5 Semester Hours
Amplification for the Hearing impaired: 4 Semester Hours
Amplification in Children: 3 Semester Hours
Amplification and Applied Audiology for Educators of the Deaf: 3 Semester Hours
Pediatric Audiology: 3 Semester Hours
Industrial Audiology: 3 Semester Hours
Principles of Amplification: 2 Semester Hours
Central Auditory Processing Disorders: 2 Semester Hours
Phonological Disabilities: 3 Semester Hours
Aphasia (Neurogenic Language Disorders): 3 Semester Hours
University of Oregon
Adolescent Language Disorders (Graduate Level): 3 Quarter Hours
Acoustics of Speech: 3 Quarter Hours
Anatomy/Physiology of Hearing and Speech: 3 Quarter Hours
Organic Disorders in Speech/Language Pathology: 3 Quarter Hours
Seminar in Practicum: 1 Quarter Hours
Practicum Observation: 1 Quarter Hours
Three, nine-week seminars for beginning clinicians
Three, nine-week seminars for intermediate clinicians
Four, nine-week seminars for advanced clinicians
Published Articles (JURIED) and Research
Martin, S., Martin, L. and Pedersen, H. (2001). A Collaborative Approach to Fitting Amplification. AudiologyOnline.
Martin, S., Baxter, B., McCormack, D., and Gerard, C. (2001). Performance of Children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome on Selected Tasks of Central Auditory Processing. AudiologyOnline.
Nippold, M., and Martin, S. (1989). Idiom Interpretation in Isolation Versus Context: A Developmental Study With Adolescents. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 32 (1), 59-66.
Nippold, M., Martin, S., and Erskine, B. (1988). Proverb Comprehension in Context: A Developmental Study With Adolescents. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 31 (1), 19-27.
Martin, S. (1988). An Analysis of Tests Frequently Utilized to Identify Central Auditory Processing Deficits in Children With Specific Learning Disabilities. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Oregon. Eugene, OR.
Tarrant, S. (1980). Adjective Ordering in Individuals With Broca�s Aphasia. Master�s Thesis. University of Kansas. Lawrence, KS.
Published Papers: JURIED
Martin, S., Krumm, M., and Martin, L. (1999). Current Technology for Severe to Profound Hearing Loss. Sixth International Conference on Aging and Disabilities. Rapid City, SD. Conference Proceedings.
Martin, S. (1999). Invited to present a paper at the St. Petersburg Research Institute of ENT and Speech. St. Petersburg, Russia.
Gerard, C., Martin, S., and Hoffart, M. (1999). A Retrospective Study Regarding the
Co-occurrence of Hearing and Speech Problems in Children With Clefts. Study in
mid-completion stage.
Martin, S., Krumm, M., and Weibe, T. (1997). Assistive Listening Devices of persons With Hearing Loss. 4th International Conference on Aging and Disabilities. Conference Proceedings. Minot, ND.
Martin, S., and Krumm, M. (1997). The Internet: Vast Resources on Aging. 4th International Conference on Aging and Disabilities. Conference Proceedings. Minot, ND.
Martin, S. (1996). The Effects of Aging on Listening Skills and how to Compensate for Deficits. Third Annual International Conference on Aging and Disabilities. Conference Proceedings. Minot, ND.
Published Abstracts: JURIED
Lacey, C., and Martin, S. (1999) Performance of Children With Phonological Disorders on Central Auditory Tests. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. San Francisco, CA.
Clinical Certification Board including Martin, S. (1999). Strategic Planning for a Successful Clinical Fellowship. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. San Francisco, CA.
Martin, S., and Walls, M. (1998). Assisting Persons with Developmental Disabilities Make Decisions Regarding Purchasing Hearing Aids. 12th Annual Conference of The North Dakota Association of Community Faculties. Bismarck, ND.
Martin, S., and Browning, C. (1998). Assisting Persons with Developmental Disabilities and Hearing Loss Adjust to Wearing Hearing Aids. 12th Annual Conference of The North Dakota Association of Community Faculties. Bismarck, ND.
Zeltinger, E., and Martin, S. (1998). Performance of Native American Children on Two Tests of Auditory Skills. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. San Antonio, Tx.
Low, A., and Martin, S. (1998). Selected Tasks Assessing Oral-motor Function in Late Talkers With Phonological Delays. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. San Antonio, Tx.
Clinical Certification Board Presentation and Discussion of Standards including
Martin, S. (1998). American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. San Antonio, Tx.
Martin, S., Krumm, M., and Weibe, T. (1997). Assistive Listening Devices of Persons With Hearing Loss. 11th Annual Conference of the North Dakota Association for Community Facilities. Bismarck, ND.
Martin, S., and Krumm, M. (1997). The Internet: Vast Resources on Aging. 11th Annual Conference of the North Dakota Association for Community Facilities. Bismarck, ND.
Mieyette, C., and Martin, S. (1997). Central Auditory Processing in Children With and Without Reading Difficulty. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Boston, MA.
McMillan, B., and Martin, S. (1997). Central Auditory Processing in Children With Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Boston, MA.
Clinical Certification Board including Martin, S. (1997). Bridging the Gap Between Pre-Professional and Professional. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Boston, MA.
Martin, S. (1996). Practical Suggestions for Improving the Probability of Following Directions in Adults With Developmental Disabilities. 10th Annual North Dakota Association of Community Facilities. Bismarck, ND.
Martin, S. (1995). A 10-Test Battery to Evaluate Central Auditory Processing Abilities in Children. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Orlando, FL.
Krumm, M., and Martin, S. (1995). Factors Affecting the Hearing of People With Developmental Disabilities. 9th Annual North Dakota Association of Community Facilities. Bismarck, ND.
Krumm, M., Martin, S., and Froelich, T. (1995). Achieving Maximum Consumer Independence With Hearing Aids. 9th Annual North Dakota Association of Community Facilities. Bismarck, ND.
Professional Presentations: JURIED (some of these were also listed under abstracts)
Martin, S. (2000). Strategic Planning for a Successful Clinical Fellowship. Clinical Certification Board. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Washington D.C.
Lacey, C., and Martin, S. (1999) Performance of Children With Phonological Disorders on Central Auditory Tests. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. San Francisco, CA.
Clinical Certification Board including Martin, S. (1999). Strategic Planning for a Successful Clinical Fellowship. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. San Francisco, CA.
Martin, S., and Walls, M. (1998). Assisting Persons with Developmental Disabilities Make Decisions Regarding Purchasing Hearing Aids. 12th Annual Conference of The North Dakota Association of Community Faculties. Bismarck, ND.
Martin, S., and Browning, C. (1998). Assisting Persons with Developmental Disabilities and Hearing Loss Adjust to Wearing Hearing Aids. 12th Annual Conference of The North Dakota Association of Community Faculties. Bismarck, ND.
Zeltinger, E., and Martin, S. (1998). Performance of Native American Children on Two Tests of Auditory Skills. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. San Antonio, Tx.
Low, A., and Martin, S. (1998). Selected Tasks Assessing Oral-motor Function in Late Talkers With Phonological Delays. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. San Antonio, Tx.
Clinical Certification Board Presentation and Discussion of Standards including
Martin, S. (1998). American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. San Antonio, Tx.
Martin, S., Krumm, M., and Weibe, T. (1997). Assistive Listening Devices of Persons With Hearing Loss. 11th Annual Conference of the North Dakota Association for Community Facilities. Bismarck, ND.
Martin, S., and Krumm, M. (1997). The Internet: Vast Resources on Aging. 11th Annual Conference of the North Dakota Association for Community Facilities. Bismarck, ND.
Mieyette, C., and Martin, S. (1997). Central Auditory Processing in Children With and Without Reading Difficulty. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Boston, MA.
McMillan, B., and Martin, S. (1997). Central Auditory Processing in Children With Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Boston, MA.
Clinical Certification Board including Martin, S. (1997). Bridging the Gap Between Pre-Professional and Professional. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Boston, MA.
Martin, S. (1997). Session Chair for Grand Rounds in Rehabilitative Audiology: A Focus on Geriatrics. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Boston, MA.
Martin, S., and Williams, D. (1996). Networking to Use the Network: Development of a Consortium of Universities to Offer and Advanced Degree. 5th Annual Innovations in Education Conference. Minot, ND.
Martin, S. (1996). Practical Suggestions for Improving the Probability of Following Directions in Adults With Developmental Disabilities. 10th Annual North Dakota Association of Community Facilities. Bismarck, ND.
Martin, S. (1995). A 10-Test Battery to Evaluate Central Auditory Processing Abilities in Children. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Orlando, FL.
Martin, S., and Gerard, C. (1995). Speech and Hearing Issues in Aging. 4th Annual Geropsychiatric Symposium. Minot, ND.
Krumm, M., and Martin, S. (1995). Factors Affecting the Hearing of People With Developmental Disabilities. 9th Annual North Dakota Association of Community Facilities. Bismarck, ND.
Krumm, M., Martin, S., and Froelich, T. (1995). Achieving Maximum Consumer Independence With Hearing Aids. 9th Annual North Dakota Association of Community Facilities. Bismarck, ND.
Martin, S. (1989). Listening Skills as They Relate to Hearing Aids. Oregon Hearing Aid Society. Portland, OR.
Martin, S. (1988). Central Auditory Processing Deficits: What the Brain Does With What the Ears Hear. Washington National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Seattle, WA.
Martin, S. (1987). Treatment of Auditory Processing Disorders in Children. Oregon Conference. Eugene, OR.
Martin, S. (1987). Supervisory Evaluation Performance Tool: SPET. Oregon/Washington Speech-Language-Hearing Association Conference. Seattle, WA.
Martin, S. (1985). Evaluation of Auditory Processing Disorders in Children. Oregon Conference. Eugene, OR.
Martin, S. (1984). Central Auditory Processing Disorders in School-Aged Children. Kansas Department of Education Statewide Paraprofessional Conference. Manhattan, KS.
Published Papers, Presentations and Invited Seminars: NON-JURIED
Martin, S. (2001). Evaluation and Treatment of Central Auditory Processing Disorders in School-Aged Children. Two-day invited seminar presented to Lonetree Special Services. Harvey, ND. District.
Martin, S., and Krumm, M. (1999). Issues in Pediatric Hearing Assessment. Annual Health Tracks Workshop. Bismarck, ND.
Martin, S. (1999). Central Auditory Processing: ''What Do We Do After the evaluation?'' Invited two-day seminar for Grafton Public School District. Grafton, ND.
Martin, S. (1998). Central Auditory Processing and the Implications for Students With Special Learning Needs. Invited presentation Minot State University. Minot, ND.
Martin, S. (1998). Central Auditory Processing Disorders in School-Aged Children. Full day invited seminar presented to Walsh-Pembina, ND School District. Grafton, ND.
Martin, S. (1998). Treatment of Central Auditory Processing Disorders in School-Aged Children. Full day invited seminar presented to Grand Forks School District. Grand Forks, ND.
Martin, S. (1998). Evaluation and Treatment of Central Auditory Processing Disorders in School-Aged Children. Two-day invited seminar presented to Lake Region School District. Devils Lake, ND.
Martin, S. (1997). Evaluation and Treatment of Central Auditory Processing Disorders in School-Aged Children. Two-day invited seminar presented to Peace Garden Special Education Services. Bottineau, ND.
Martin, S. (1996). Central Auditory Processing Disorders. North Dakota National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association Conference. Minot, ND.
Martin, S. (1996). Treatment of Central Auditory Processing Disorders in School-Aged Children. Full day invited seminar presented to Dickey-Lamoure School District. Lamoure, ND.
Martin, S. (1996). Treatment of Central Auditory Processing Disorders in School-Aged Children. Invited inservice presented to Sherwood School. Sherwood, ND.
Martin, S. (1995). Treatment of Central Auditory Processing Disorders in School-Aged Children. Full day invited seminar presented to Stanley School District. Stanley, ND.
Martin, S. (1995). Testing Central Auditory Processing in Children. Midcontinent Institutes Colloquium. Minot State University. Minot, ND.
Martin, S., Dunphy, J., and Thorsen, C. (1992). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders: The Role of Central Auditory Processing in Academic Achievement. Series of four presentations. Eugene, OR.
Martin, S. (1992). ''Why Do I Hear Noise Instead of Speech''How Central Auditory Processing Affects Listening. Self Help for the Hard of Hearing. Eugene, OR.
Martin, S. (1991). Central Auditory Processing as Related to Learning. Lane County Literacy Coalition Annual Presentation. Eugene, OR.
Martin, S. (1990). Audiograms for the Hearing Aid User: What Do All of Those Chicken Scratches Mean? Self Help for the Hard of Hearing. Eugene, OR.
Gregoire, K. (2000). Incidence of Phonological Disabilities in Children Diagnosed as Having a Reading Disability.
Johnson, L. (2000). Selected Tests to Screen for Auditory Processing Disorders in Children.
Lacey, C. (1999). Performance of Children With Phonological Disorders on Central Auditory Tests.
Sheer, L. (1999). Administration of Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary Tests Using Telehealth Technology.
Aussant, C. (1998). Performance of Late Talkers With Phonological Delays on Selected Tests of Central Auditory Processing.
Janzen, C. (1998). Performance of Native Americans on the Screening Test for Auditory Processing Disorders.
Low, A. (1998). Selected Tasks Assessing Oral-motor Function in Late Talkers With Phonological Delays.
Schmidt, M. (1998). The Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Hearing Acuity.
Zeltinger, E. (1998). Performance of Native American Children on Two Tests of Auditory Skills.
McMillan, B. (1997). Selected Central Auditory Processing Skills in Children With and Without Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
Mieyette, C. (1997). Central Auditory Processing in children With and Without Reading Difficulties.
Dino, C. (1996). The Effects of Open and Closed Set Testing on Speech Discrimination Scores.
Thesis Committee Member:
Winsor, T. (2001). Use of Telemedicine Technology to Validate Otoacoustic Emissions.
Melega, C. (2000). Pure Tone Threshold Testing Using Telemedicine Technology.
Ferguson, N. (1999). Changes in Formant Locations and Bandwidths Following Successful Management of Functional Dysphonia.
Hovendick, M. (1999). Relationship Between Aural and Voice Deficits of Children with Cleft Palate.
Thomson, J. (1999). Reproducibility of Otoacoustic Emissions in Person�s with Hearing Loss.
Walker, R. (1999). In progress. Relationship Between Articulation and Voice Deficits of Children with Cleft Palate.
Wasilka, K. (1999). DPOAEs Test-Retest Reliability With Varying L1/L2 Ratios in Normal Hearing Individuals.
Schmeidge, K. (1997). Perceived Social Competence in Children With and Without Language Impairment.
Schmeidge, J. (1997). Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions Testing Using Telemedicine Technology.
Switzer, J. (1995). The Effect of Time Averaging and F2-F1 Ratio of 10dB on DPOAE Thresholds.
Sukarukoff, D. (1994). Hearing Loss and the Reliability of Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions.
Central Auditory Processing Disorders in Children and Adults
Hearing Aid Function in Adults With Developmental Disabilities.
4 year project, date collection completed in December, 2000.
Prediction of Hearing Loss Using Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions in Individuals Exposed to Industrial Noise.
5 year project with three years of data completed
Self-Assessment of Hearing Loss in Individuals Participating in Hearing Conservation Programs.
4 year project, data collection completed
Self-Assessment of Hearing Loss in College Students.
Two years of data collected
The Relationship of Central Auditory Processing Disorders and DPOAE Latency.
Differences in Test Scores With Male Versus Female Speakers on Tests of Central Auditory Processing.
Perspectives of Speech/Language Pathologists and Educators of the Deaf Regarding Teaming to Provide Treatment to Children With Hearing Loss.
Major events attended since 1990
1990 Oregon Speech-Language-Hearing Association
1991 Oregon Speech-Language-Hearing Association
1992 Mayo Clinic Update on Amplification
1992 Oregon Hearing Aid Society
1993 Oregon Academy of Audiology
1993 Oregon Hearing Aid Society
1993 Oregon Speech-Language-Hearing Association
1994 Mayo Clinic Update on Auditory Evoked Potentials and Hearing Aid Selection
1994North Dakota Speech-Language-Hearing Association
1994 Oregon Academy of Audiology
1995 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
1995 AuD Standards and Equivalency Conference
1995 Mayo Clinic Update on Amplification and Cochlear Implants
1995 North Dakota National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association
1996 American Academy of Audiology
1996 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
1996 Central Auditory Processing: Mostly Management
1996 North Dakota National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association
1996 Vanderbilt University Auditory Brainstem Evoked Potentials and Otoacoustic
Emissions Training
1997 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
1997 ICS Medical Corporation Educational Seminar in Electronystagmography
1997 North Dakota National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association
1998 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
1998 North Dakota National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association
1999 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
1999North Dakota National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association
2000American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
2000Amplification Procedures for Infants and Children
2000Electrophysiological Measures for Infants and Children
2001Assessment and Diagnostic Procedures for Central Auditory Processing Disorders. Fargo, ND.
Leadership in professional organizations:
Member of the Clinical Certification Board for the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
National Level
1997 to present
Chair of the Clinical Certification Board for the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
National Level
2000 (1/1/00 - 1/31/00)
Co-Chair for North Dakota Academy of Audiology Committee
State Level
1995 to 1997
Member of SCRIPT-Systems Change and Reform in Interprofessional Pre-service Training
State Level
1997 to present
Faculty Senate - 1995-1998
Faculty Senate -1999-present
Executive Committee for Faculty Senate - 1996-1997
Faculty Senate Nominating Committee, Chair -1996
Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Committee for Distance Education -1996-1997
Budget and Salary Committee -1995-1998
Special Committee for North Central Accreditation Self Study appointment by President of the University -1996-1998
Distance Learning Committee Appointment by Vice President for Academic Affairs -1996-1997
Faculty Representative to Student Senate - 1996-1998
Textbook Committee -1996-1998
Faculty Affairs Committee -1998-present
Faculty Representative to the Student Senate -1996 - 1998
Advisor to the students interested in Audiology who are active in the National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association at MSU. - As necessary
Audiologist for the State of North Dakota Family Services, Minot Area Cleft Palate Team - 1996 to present
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International - 1998 to present
Charter President for the Plum Valley Lions Club-1997 - 1998
Historian for the Plum Valley Lions Club-1998 to present
Member of the Speaker�s Panel for the Lions Clubs of North Dakota - 1998 to present
Chair for Bel Air Elementary School Site Based Committee - 1995 - 1998
Eric Ramstad Middle School parent representative for the Teacher Development Committee - 1999 - 2000
Volunteer reading assistant in the Minot Public Schools - 1998 - 1999
Girl Scout Leader -1992 -1997
Committee for Recognizing Volunteers for Girl Scouts of America - 1997
Cub Scout Committee Member -1999 to present
Room parent -1996-97, 1999-00
Volunteer parent for Western Plains Children�s Choir -1995 - 1999
Volunteer for MSU Summer Theatre -1996
Volunteer for Mouse River Players -1997
Girl�s soccer coach for 4th through 6th graders (We took first in the city!) -1996
Girl�s softball coach -1996
T-ball coach -1997 to 1999 |