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Profile of Stephen Zimmerman

Stephen Zimmerman

Member - Dykema Gossett PLLC
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Company Name : Dykema Gossett PLLC
Company Website : www.dykema.com
Company Address : 2723 S State St.
Ste. 400, Ann Arbor, MI,
United States,
Stephen Zimmerman Profile :
Member - Dykema Gossett PLLC
Stephen Zimmerman Biography :

Stephen Zimmerman's practice encompasses representation before federal agencies and Congress in the areas of tax policy, financial services and international trade issues related to financial services. His practice also extends to state insurance regulators and state legislators, particularly in the State of Michigan, in representing insurance companies on issues involving holding company filing compliance including corporate restructuring, investment portfolios, market conduct, rates and form filings and reinsurance.

Prior to joining Dykema, Mr. Zimmerman served as legal counsel for the Senate Republican Caucus of the Michigan State Senate, the Michigan Legislative Service Bureau and the U.S. Coast Guard, Department of Transportation.


Mr. Zimmerman's extensive legislative experience began as legal counsel for the Office of Legislative Affairs for the U.S. Coast Guard at its headquarters in Washington, D.C. He added to his experience by working in the Michigan State Legislature prior to joining Dykema. Dykema engaged Mr. Zimmerman to expand its state legislative program and to create a federal lobbying program on Capitol Hill. Both the federal and state lobbying programs have increased greatly with his significant contributions. Mr. Zimmerman is called upon to draft proposed legislation and regulations to reflect the need and intent of clients seeking to impact public policy issues.

Mr. Zimmerman also provides comprehensive legal services in the insurance field for the firm's clients. He is recognized nationally for his insurance regulatory expertise for his representation of numerous international and national insurers before the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, various state regulatory bodies, and the federal government. Based upon his experience in representing international insurers on insurance regulatory matters in the United States, Mr. Zimmerman has expanded his practice in providing services before the Office of U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), and the U.S. Departments of Treasury, Commerce and State on international issues involving market access, capitalization requirements, and corporate governance.

In addition, Mr. Zimmerman has served as U.S. regulatory counsel for the Canadian life insurance industry for over twenty years. He has represented the Canadian life insurers on port of entry legislation, tax legislation before the U.S. Congress, regulatory matters before the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, and the demutualization process for several of the Canadian life insurers.

Mr. Zimmerman previously served as a Member of Dykema's Executive Board and as the Managing Member of the firm's Washington, D.C. office.

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