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Profile of Stephen Balcerzak

Stephen Balcerzak

Exec. VP - Gorman Health Group LLC
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Company Name : Gorman Health Group LLC
Company Website : www.gormanhealthgroup.com
Company Address : 2176 Wisconsin Ave.
NW, Washington, DC,
United States,
Stephen Balcerzak Profile :
Exec. VP - Gorman Health Group LLC
Stephen Balcerzak Biography :

Mr. Balcerzak, an Executive Vice President with Gorman Health Group, LLC, offers nearly 20 years of experience with the Health Care Financing Administration (now the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)). His broad experience within HCFA covered all facets of HCFA operations in managed care contracting. His knowledge of HCFA operations especially as related to applications, compliance and enforcement activities is especially valuable to companies with interest or questions in any area of Medicare managed care contracting. Most recently, Mr. Balcerzak served as the director of the Performance Review Division within the Health Plan Purchasing and Administration Group. In this capacity, he was responsible for conducting and initiating reviews of managed care contractors that were referred to his division for enforcement action. His division initiated the first intermediate sanctions against managed care contractors, reviewed corrective actions and restored the contractor to full operations. He worked closely with the Office of the Inspector General as these contractors� were reviewed to assess civil money penalties for non-complaint actions. In addition, Mr. Balcerzak served on the Department of Justice Managed Care Fraud Working Group, which coordinated activities of the various federal agencies that purchased managed care services for their constituencies. Mr. Balcerzak served in various other capacities within HCFA�s managed care operations. These included the director of Special Projects where he focused on the development of regulatory guidance for various managed care issues including point-of-service and affiliate products. He also worked with HCFA�s component offices that developed various demonstration projects in managed care. Mr. Balcerzak also served as the director of teams that processed applications for all types of managed care contracts. In addition, he has processed contracts, conducted application reviews as well as participated in monitoring reviews.

Stephen Balcerzak Colleagues :
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