Mr. Barry brings over thirty years of manufacturing and operations experience to Miasol�. Beginning with Memorex Media Group, Stephen participated in the transformation of data storage from 8-inch floppy disks to Winchester drives then on to start-ups Read-Rite Corporation as Director, Manufacturing and Vice President, Manufacturing Operations for Akashic Memories Corporation developing and integrating thin film technologies essential to the dramatic growth of the disk drive in data storage. Throughout this period of unprecedented expansion Mr. Barry lead the search for low-cost manufacturing solutions through technological innovation, process automation and efficiency improvements as well as contract and offshore manufacturing. As President and CEO of Perisale Corporation and later as owner of MESA Consulting, Mr. Barry was directly responsible for the planning, start-up and ramp-up of high volume manufacturing plants throughout the world. From restarting the idle head manufacturing in Ratzlog, Bulgaria to the sale and transfer of thin film optical coating technology from the United States into China, Mr. Barry has played a critical role in directing financial, technological and personnel resources to productive and profitable ends. |