B.S. University of Arizona, 1987, Civil Engineering
Registered Professional Engineer - Arizona, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Ohio
40-hour CFR �1910.120 Health and Safety
American Society of Civil Engineers
Solid Waste Association of North American (SWANA)
Steven C. Lamb, P.E., provides SCS with over 17 years experience in solid and hazardous waste management, environmental engineering, civil engineering, hydrology and hydraulics, landfill engineering, remedial design, and regulatory compliance. Mr. Lamb is the office Director of SCS� Charlotte, North Carolina. Examples of his project experience include:
Landfill Design and Permitting
Over 200 Landfill Projects - Served as Project Manager for design, permitting, and construction quality assurance (CQA) activities utilizing a staff of engineers, designers, technicians, and geologists. Prepared permit packages for regulatory review, prepared construction drawings, specifications and bid documents, and supervised field personnel during CQA activities.
Chesterfield County, VA, Shoosmith Brothers Landfill - Prepared all drawings and calculations related to the cell layout, cell grading plans, leachate management system, and stormwater design to support a 52-acre lateral expansion for the Shoosmith Brothers solid waste landfill.
Concord, NC, Charlotte Motor Speedway Landfill V - Prepared construction drawings, CQA Plan, and specifications for Cell 1A and 1B.
Cherokee County, SC, Cherokee County Landfill - Prepared solid waste landfill permit for 80-acre Cherokee County Landfill. Prepared permit drawings and performed engineering calculations for leachate management system and for stormwater control systems.
Cincinnati, OH:
Rumpke Sanitary Landfill - Prepared permit to construct application for 120-acre lateral expansion. Prepared permit drawings and performed engineering calculations for leachate management system and for stormwater control systems.
Zimmer Station Landfill - Prepared closure plan drawings for a 200-acre fly ash landfill for Cincinnati Gas & Electric.
Brown County, OH, Brown County Landfill - Prepared permit to construct application for an 80-acre lateral expansion. Prepared grading plans and landfill phasing plans. Performed engineering calculations for leachate management system and for stormwater control systems.
Tucson, AZ, Los Reales Landfill - Performed an evaluation of erosion control Best Management Practices (BMPs). The evaluation focused on erosion control measures and re-vegetation alternatives for landfill slopes, diversions channels, and down slope drains (or chutes). The report included several recommended BMPs, and included a pilot test program to evaluate various BMPs.
Buckeye, AZ, Allied Waste�s Southwest Regional Landfill - Prepared construction drawings, specifications, and bid documents for Cell 4, an 8-acre composite-lined solid waste cell.
Apache Junction, AZ, Allied Waste�s Apache Junction Landfill:
Prepared construction drawings, specifications, and bid documents for Cells 2B and 4B. The liner system for both cells included a geosynthetic clay liner, 60-mil HDPE geomembrane liner, and leachate collection layer.
Managed the preparation of the East Disposal Area expansion that included a 17-acre lateral expansion and stormwater run-on controls. Prior to approval by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ), a 404 Permit and 401 Permit were obtained from the Army Corps of Engineers and ADEQ, respectively.
Managed the preparation of the Solid Waste Facility Plan (SWFP). The SWFP covered a 20-acre Subtitle-D lateral expansion. Design elements included: grading and drainage plans, leachate collection systems, stormwater management, geosynthetic details, controls, and detailed sequencing plans.
Show Low, AZ, 50-Acre Lone Pine Landfill - Managed the closure preparation of construction drawings, specifications, and other bid documents. The final closure included a low permeable soil layer, erosion soil layer, and a native vegetative cover meeting the requirements of the U.S. Forest Service.
Santa Cruz County, AZ, Two Solid Waste Landfills - Provided engineering and permitting for a Solid Waste Facility Plan (SWFP) for two landfills in Santa Cruz County. Duties included drawing preparation, stormwater management design, and the development of the technical specifications.
Winslow Landfill, AZ - Prepared construction drawings, specifications, and bid documents for the soil subgrade construction and surface water management controls.
Page, AZ, City of Page Landfill - Managed the preparation of the construction drawings, technical specifications and Project Manual for a 67-acre landfill closure. The final cover system included a geosynthetic clay liner (GCL), a 12-inch thick erosion soil layer, a vegetative cover, and stormwater control structures.
Southern OH, BFI�s Big Foot Run Sanitary Landfill - Managed and served as Engineer-of-Record for preparation of construction drawings and specifications for a 7.5-acre landfill closure project. The design included a 4.5-foot-thick composite cap, rock-lined surface water control structures, and sedimentation basin. Developed bid documents, bid quantities, and QA/QC procedures.
Las Vegas, NV, Sunrise Mountain Landfill - Performed various engineering services in support of the investigation, permitting and closure of the 700-acre closed Sunrise Mountain landfill.
Bloomington, IN, Westinghouse Ash Landfill - Designed stormwater management systems, developed geosynthetic specifications, and prepared permit drawings for a 110-acre Subtitle C RCRA landfill.
Landfill Gas Services
Bishopville, SC, Lee County Landfill - Prepared construction drawings and specifications for the expansion of the landfill�s landfill gas collection and control system. Prepared NSPS annual report, Title V semi-annual reports, emissions inventory, and certifications in accordance with the facility�s Title V Air Operating Permit and the NSPS.
Concord, NC, Charlotte Motor Speedway Landfill V - Prepared construction drawings and specifications for a 50 well expansion of the landfill�s landfill gas collection and control system. In addition the project included the preparation of Title V/NSPS Annual Compliance Report, and the Title V Summary Reports.
Greensboro, NC, White Street Landfill - Prepared Gas Collection and Control Design Plan for the White Street Landfill.
Wellford, SC:
Palmetto Landfill and Recycling Center - Prepared NSPS annual report, Title V semi-annual reports, emissions inventory, and certifications in accordance with the facility�s Title V Air Operating Permit and the NSPS.
Palmetto Landfill and Recycling Center - Provided construction engineering during the construction of 9.5-mile long landfill gas transmission pipeline.
Bayerische Landesbank - Performed due diligence activities for the Ameresco Palmetto, LLC landfill gas to energy project located at Waste Management�s Palmetto Landfill and the BMW facility in Spartanburg County, South Carolina. Activities included preparing the Due Diligence Report and providing independent engineering certifications in support of construction draws on the construction loan.
Macon, GA, Swift Creek Environmental Landfill - Evaluated methane gas migration and prepared remedial plans to mitigate. The remedial design included the installation of 15 additional landfill gas extraction wells.
Wayne County, GA, Broadhurst Environmental Landfill - Managed the design of a landfill gas collection and control system for the landfill. Prepared construction drawings, technical specifications, and bid documents. Provided construction engineering during the installation of Phase I of the GCCS system, including preparing the Construction Certification Report.
Tucson, AZ, Landfill Gas Transmission Pipeline - Prepared construction drawings, specifications, and the Project Manual for a 4-mile long landfill gas transmission pipeline. The pipeline was constructed of 14-inch diameter HDPE pipe and traversed through Pima County, ADOT, and Union Pacific Railroad properties.
Las Vegas, NV, Sunrise Mountain Landfill - Prepared Gas Collection and Control (GCCS) Design Plan for the 700-acre closed Sunrise Mountain landfill.
Landfill Construction Quality Assurance
Winslow, AZ, City of Winslow Landfill - Managed all closure CQA activities for the 75-acre final cover construction. The final cover included the construction of a 2-ft-thick low permeable soil barrier layer.
Surprise, AZ, Northwest Regional Landfill - Managed CQA activities associated with the construction and certification of Module 6. Module 6, constructed in 1999, is an 8-acre composite-lined solid waste cell. The composite liner included prepared subgrade, geosynthetic clay liner, HDPE geomembrane liner, geocomposite, and leachate collection layer.
Dewey, AZ, Gray Wolf Landfill - Managed CQA activities associated with the construction and certification of Cell 4, which is a 7-acre composite-lined solid waste cell. The composite liner included prepared subgrade, geosynthetic clay liner, HDPE geomembrane liner, geocomposite, and leachate collection layer.
Show Low, AZ, Lone Pine Landfill - Supervised closure CQA activities for the construction of a 40-acre soil cover. An on-site geotechnical laboratory was used for permeability testing.
Sulphur, KY, Valley View Landfill - Managed CQA activities associated with the construction of an 8.5-acre Subtitle D solid waste landfill cell. Duties included the pre-approval of the soil and geosynthetic components for the landfill, supervised field technicians, interacted with State inspectors, and prepared the Construction Certification Report.
Environmental Engineering
Conway, SC, Bi-Lo Grocery Store - Managed a Phase II site assessment on behalf on New York Life for the Bi-Lo Grocery Store. The site is impacted by off site sources of petroleum hydrocarbons. The assessment included the installation of groundwater wells, review of previous reports, and correspondences with SC DHEC.
Sky Harbor International Airport, Air National Guard Base - Provided engineering oversight/construction management during the construction, operation, and maintenance of a full-scale soil vapor extraction/air sparging system. The system included seven soil vapor extraction wells, five air sparge wells, and vapor treatment using catalytic oxidation.
Tucson, AZ:
Tucson International Airport, Air National Guard Base - Provided construction oversight and review of contractor submittals during the construction of a $1,000,000 groundwater extraction, treatment, and recharge system. The system included seven extraction wells, five recharge wells, and treatment using low-profile air strippers.
Air National Guard Base - Managed the design, permitting and construction of a 200 cfm soil vapor extraction system for chlorinated VOC-impacted soils.
Fire Station No. 10 - Prepared construction drawings, specifications, and bid documents for a soil vapor extraction and total fluids recovery system to treat petroleum-impacted soils and groundwater. The treatment system included 19 soil vapor extraction wells, a total-fluids extraction wells, a thermal oxidizer for vapor phase treatment, and granular activated carbon for groundwater treatment.
CA - Managed the design, permitting, and procurement of the treatment equipment for a 24-well SVE remediation system for chlorinated VOC-impacted soils. The treatment system included a 350-cfm vacuum extraction unit, vapor phase carbon vessels, and a programmable logic control center.
Cincinnati, OH, Chevron Closed Oil Refinery - Managed the design and construction of a 16-well, 800 cfm soil vapor extraction system for petroleum-impacted soils.
Mesa, AZ, Sixth Street Maintenance Building - Prepared the Work Plan for the installation, implementation, and data evaluation for a soil vapor extraction/air sparge pilot test in support of remedial design services associated with a leaking underground storage tank (UST) site. Using the data obtained from pilot test, the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) was prepared.
Nevada, UT, Arizona, and New Mexico - Managed the permitting and closure activities for the removal of over 20 underground storage tanks for the Union Pacific Railroad.
Southern OH - Managed the removal of underground storage tanks (UST) at several project locations for Marathon Oil Co. Duties included monitoring UST removal, sampling and analyzing site soils to determine the integrity of USTs, and preparing Certification Closure Reports for appropriate state agencies.
Phoenix, AZ - Prepared design drawings and permits for the installation of a 500-gallon dual-walled diesel fuel above ground storage tank. The tank is used to feed a day tank that runs an emergency generator at the Maricopa County Jail.
Landfill Post-Closure, Redevelopment and Brownfields
Woodfin, NC, Elk Mountain Landfill - Designed remedial measures to control methane migration from the landfill to a planned 500 unit residential development as part of the Elk Mountain Brownfields Project. Worked closely with NC DENR to develop language in the draft brownfields agreement that addresses investigation, engineering and development with respect to methane gas.
Charleston, SC, Holston Landfill - Evaluated the potential of methane gas migration from the landfill into the proposed residential development planned on top of the closed Holston Landfill. Prepared a Methane Gas Migration Control Plan as part of the Voluntary Cleanup Contract (VCC) between the owner and SC DHEC.
Charlotte, NC;
Harrisburg Road Landfill - Performed a Post Closure Care Evaluation/Audit of the closed Harrisburg Road Landfill/Charles T. Myers Golf Course. SCS evaluated settlement, drainage, and landfill gas issues of the golf course which was constructed in 1986 on top of the closed Harrisburg Road Landfill. Our evaluation provided recommendation for remedial actions to repair and maintain the golf course and landfill cover. Following the evaluation, SCS prepared construction drawings and specifications to remediate Hole #7, which developed large settlement areas with standing water.
Renaissance Park Golf Course - Prepared construction drawings and specifications for remediating settlement and drainage problems at the golf course, which was constructed in 1986 over the closed York Road Sanitary Landfill. The design covered areas on the Driving Range, Hole 6, Hole 7, and Hole 8.
Phoenix, AZ:
Del Rio Landfill - Managed the environmental aspects of the feasibility study to construct a municipal golf course on top of an existing landfill. The project involved evaluating the infiltration potential of irrigation waters on the new golf course, investigating landfill gas issues, and negotiating with City and State regulators.
AZ, ABCO Desert Market - Prepared construction drawings for a methane gas (landfill gas) migration barrier control system for a 100,000 square-foot commercial development constructed over an old solid waste landfill. The methane barrier control system included a geomembrane liner installed below the concrete foundation, passive vent pipes, and internal methane sensors.
Henderson, NV, City of Henderson Landfill - As a consultant to the golf course architect, evaluated the impacts of constructing and operating a golf course at this closed landfill site; i.e., landfill gas impacts, floodplain issues, and construction cost estimate for landfill-related work.
Calgary, Alberta, City Landfill - As a consultant to the golf course architect, evaluated the impacts of constructing and operating a golf course at this closed landfill site; i.e., landfill gas impacts, infiltration of irrigation waters, and construction cost estimate for landfill-related work.
Miscellaneous Engineering
Numerous Solid Waste Facilities - Prepared Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) and Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plans for various facilities in North Carolina, Arizona, California, and Ohio.
Cincinnati, OH, Rumpke Sanitary Landfill - Managed and served as Engineer-of-Record for preparation of construction plans and specifications for a 4,000-linear-foot stream enclosure project. The enclosure included a 7.5-foot-diameter and 9.5-foot-diameter corrugated steel and structural plate pipes. Federal, state, and local permits were obtained.
WV Coalmine - Managed and served as the Engineer-of-Record for preparation of a 1,470-acre surface mine permit revision. The revision included redesigning six durable rock fills (80,000,000 cubic yards of capacity), redesigning sediment ponds, ditches, and developing a new mining plan.
Phoenix, AZ - Managed an environmental assessment for portions of the Del Rio Landfill to evaluate the risks associated with constructing for a golf course on the landfill. The assessment included vacant and residential parcels. The investigation involved a site reconnaissance; review of environmental, historical, and physical records associated with activities on and adjacent to the site; and interpretation and reporting of findings. |