Led the introduction of the most successful product in the history of the video game industry. Secured distribution at all major retailers, and the support of third party software developers. Started and managed the US business of this division that achieved $2 billion in sales, 13% of Sony�s revenues and 60% of the operating profit. Turned around a failing public software company. Business was cash strapped and had revenues of $60 million but losses of $40 million. Recruited a new management team, rationalized product lines, and raised capital through a PIPE and a convertible debenture. Grew revenue to over $100 million and profits to $8 million in 3 years, and sold the company to Hasbro. Introduced the first online derivatives and commodities exchange focused on retail markets. Recruited by the Board, this company was in disarray, out of cash and had few alternatives. Attracted new strategic investors, secured additional financing from existing investors, and raised $30 million in debt and equity. Redirected the corporation and its strategies, and developed a different business model. Co-Founded a toy company that went from a start up to a public company with $300+ million in sales and $19 million in profits in its second year. Led the introduction of two of the fastest growing products in the history of the industry. Restructured multiple portfolio companies for private equity groups. Functioned in a crisis management operating position and Board of Directors role for multiple companies. Assignments included turnarounds, liquidations and selling parts or all of the businesses. |