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Profile of Steve Saunders

Steve Saunders

Dir. - Taxation, Assist. Corp. Sec. - Harvest Energy Trust
Steve Saunders Email :
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Company Name : Harvest Energy Trust
Company Website : www.harvestenergy.ca
Company Address : 2100 330-5th Ave. SW
, Calgary, AB,
Steve Saunders Profile :
Dir. - Taxation, Assist. Corp. Sec. - Harvest Energy Trust
Steve Saunders Biography :

Mr. Saunders is a Chartered Accountant and holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Calgary.

Mr. Saunders articled at the Calgary office of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Chartered Accountants and was a Manager in their taxation group until he departed in 2000. Mr. Saunders served as a Senior Tax Planner for PanCanadian Petroleum Limited from April 2000 to March 2002. He continued with the organization following the April 2002 merger of AEC and PanCanadian Energy Inc. (to form EnCana Corporation) as an International Tax Analyst until October 2004. Mr. Saunders has been Harvest's Director of Taxation since November 2004.

Steve Saunders Colleagues :
Name Title Email

John Zahary

Pres., CEO Please login

Bob Fotheringham

CFO Please login

Rob Morgan

COO, Upstream Please login

Jacob Roorda

VP Corporate Please login

Stephen Saunders

Assist. Corp. Sec. Please login

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