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Profile of Steven Towbin

Steven Towbin

Attorney Member - Shaw Gussis Fishman Glantz Wolfson & Towbin LLC
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Company Name : Shaw Gussis Fishman Glantz Wolfson & Towbin LLC
Company Website : www.shawgussis.com
Company Address : 321 N Clark St.
Ste. 800, Chicago, IL,
United States,
Steven Towbin Profile :
Attorney Member - Shaw Gussis Fishman Glantz Wolfson & Towbin LLC
Steven Towbin Biography :


Bankruptcy and Corporate Reorganization

Steven Towbin has been counseling corporate and professional clients, financial institutions, unsecured creditors' committees, equity holders, trustees, assignees for the benefit of creditors, and secured and unsecured creditors in connection with complex bankruptcy and reorganization cases since 1975. He has represented clients in government and diverse industries, including accounting, banking, contracting, electronics, food processing, health care, manufacturing, publishing, real estate, retailing, telecommunications, transportation and trucking.

Among his more significant recent engagements, Mr. Towbin represented Capital Factors, Inc. in its successful appeal of an order authorizing payments to critical vendors in the K-Mart chapter 11 case; was retained by the Official Creditors' Committee of Outboard Marine Corporation in its chapter 11 case involving more than $1.5 billion of debt; currently represents the chapter 7 trustee for the Outboard Marine Corporation estate; served as co-counsel to the Unofficial Bondholders Committee in the National Steel Corporation chapter 11 case that resulted in a sale of the debtor to US Steel for $1.3 billion; served as counsel for Allied Products Corporation, a publicly held manufacturing concern, in its chapter 11 proceeding involving more than $100 million of debt; and represented Florsheim Group Inc. as chapter 11 debtor and debtor-in-possession in its reorganization proceeding involving more than $150 million in debt.

Mr. Towbin is admitted to practice in the Bankruptcy Courts for the Northern District of Illinois and Eastern District of Michigan, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, including the Trial Bar, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals and the United States Supreme Court. Mr. Towbin is a Fellow of the American College of Bankruptcy, an honorary professional and educational association of bankruptcy and insolvency professionals.


University of Illinois (B.A., cum laude, 1971)

DePaul University College of Law (J.D., cum laude, 1975)


American College of Bankruptcy Fellowship

American Bar Association (Member, Litigation and Business Law Sections)

American Bankruptcy Institute


View Mr. Towbin's publications & presentations


Admitted to bar, 1975, Illinois; US District Court including Trial Bar; 1998, US Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit; 2004 United States Supreme Court

Steven Towbin Colleagues :
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Jeffrey Alexander

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Janice Alwin

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Ira Bodenstein

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Patrick Clisham

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Robert Fishman

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