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Profile of Steven Okuley

Steven Okuley

Assoc. VP - National Conferences, Events - Noel-Levitz Inc.
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Company Name : Noel-Levitz Inc.
Company Website : www.noellevitz.com
Company Address : 2350 Oakdale Blvd.
, Coralville, IA,
United States,
Steven Okuley Profile :
Assoc. VP - National Conferences, Events - Noel-Levitz Inc.
Steven Okuley Biography :

As an associate vice president, Steven Okuley manages the planning and budgets of Noel-Levitz national and regional events, including the National Conference on Student Recruitment, Marketing, and Retention. He also offers more than a decade of on-campus consulting. His areas of expertise include telecommunications, electronic communication, and staff training and development.

As a consultant, Mr. Okuley has worked with more than 60 campuses, including the University of Memphis (TN), Baker University (KS), and the University of Minnesota, Morris. Over the course of his career with Noel-Levitz, Mr. Okuley has directed the annual National Telecounseling Supervisors� Workshop, the first and only workshop for telecounseling supervisors in campus admissions offices. Noted for his expertise in individualizing the recruitment process, his counsel has been highly valued by colleges and universities across the nation.

Mr. Okuley also manages the SMART Approach service in conjunction with the National Research Center for College and University Admissions (NRCCUA).


Mr. Okuley is a graduate of the University of Dayton (OH) and holds an M.B.A. from the University of Colorado.

Steven Okuley Colleagues :
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Bruce Anderson

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Kathryn Bass

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Scott Bodfish

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Derek Boren

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