Experience:Steve is a partner of our Danville office and has over 20 years experience, including five years with an international accounting firm. Steve works with financial institutions, municipalities, electric cooperatives and other utility organizations. He also provides tax and financial planning assistance to individual, small business clients and not-for-profit organizations. Steve�s work with financial institutions includes audits, outsourcing services, including loan reviews and internal audits, mergers and acquisitions, bank holding companies, bank spin-offs, trust department examinations, enterprise zone credits, tax examinations, interstate branch banking and employee benefit plan audits.Steve has assisted local governments with implementation of GASB#34, and the evaluation of infrastructure alternatives. He has also assisted organizations with activity based costing alternatives and the related cost allocations. Steve is familiar with federal single audit requirements and the required compliance testing.Other Activities:American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Member, Virginia Society of Certified Public Accountants, Member, North Carolina Association of CPA�s, Member, Kiwanis Club, Past President, Salvation Army, Treasurer, Leadership Southside Alumni Association, Past Treasurer, Piedmont Chapter of VSCPA, Past President. |