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Profile of Steven Schlager

Steven Schlager

Engineering Scientist - RJ Lee Group Inc.
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Company Name : RJ Lee Group Inc.
Company Website : www.rjlg.com
Company Address : 350 Hochberg Rd.
, Monroeville, PA,
United States,
Steven Schlager Profile :
Engineering Scientist - RJ Lee Group Inc.
Steven Schlager Biography :

Mr. Steven Schlager has more than 20 years of experience as an engineering scientist. He joined RJLG in 1991. His responsibilities include performing gas chromatography, fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analyses. His background includes knowledge in laboratory analysis from sample preparation to report writing. That includes quality control, technician training and supervision of the analysis. He has done method development and validation of various chromatography techniques including flame ionization, photo ionization, mass spectroscopy, electron capture and thermal energy analyzer detection techniques, as well as worked on a wide variety of matrices including soil, water, air, bulk materials.

Mr. Schlager has also worked on various non-routine analyses employing multiple techniques to identify various materials and contaminations, including volatile, semi-volatile, non-volatile, forensic analysis and polymer analysis. He is skilled in FTIR investigations for forensics, polymers, coatings, unknown solid materials and various liquid matrices. He has an understanding of various physical testing techniques involving asphalt's, concrete's, paints and coatings and polymers. These would include viscosities, distillations, separation techniques, calorimetric, wet chemical techniques and a wide variety of strength and property assessment methods. He has worked with paint formulations involving both latex and solvent borne coatings and polymer formulations involving acrylates, epoxies, polyurethane's and polyesters. Mr. Schlager is a member of the American Chemical Society.

Steven Schlager Colleagues :
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Kimberly Allison-Campbell

Mgr., Mineralogy Services Please login

Kristy Anderson

Sr. Exec. Assist., Mgr., Corporate Outreach Please login

Glynnis Anne Bowman

Regional Mgr., Industrial Hygiene Services Please login

Casey Bunker

Assist. Dir., Laboratory Operations Please login

Kristin Bunker

Scientist Please login

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