Steven L. Good has been involved in the sale of more than $4 billion of real estate, including commercial, office, retail, industrial, residential, and vacant land sites. Mr. Good is the driving force behind the expansion of the company, which has been ranked as the largest firm in the United States exclusively conducting real estate auctions, and was previously ranked as the sixth-largest commercial brokerage firm in the United States.
Prior to joining Sheldon Good & Company, Mr. Good worked for the United States Senate in Washington, D.C; the Cook County, Illinois Assessor�s Office; the Building, Code and Zoning Division of the Cook County, Illinois, State Attorney�s Office; and the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of the U.S. Attorney, District of Columbia.
In addition to his legal experience, Mr. Good is a recognized expert in the fields of privately-negotiated real estate sales, multiple-property auctions for residential and non-residential properties, and lease-at-auction programs. The multi-property auction and lease-at-auction programs, concepts pioneered by Mr. Good, have revolutionized the real estate industry. As an established authority in his field, Mr. Good is regularly quoted in Forbes, Fortune, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, USA Today, Newsweek and Savings Institution magazine.
Mr. Good has been a guest speaker at the National Association of Realtors� Convention, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), United States League of Savings Institutions, The Chicago Bar Association, The Robert Morris Banking Honorary, Savings Banks Mortgage & Real Estate Forum, NACORE (International Association of Corporate Real Estate Executives-now CORENET), Conference for Catholic Facility Management, Crittenden Seminars Speaking Facility, National Multi-Family Housing Council, Mortgage Bankers of New York, The Realtors� Land Institute (RLI), The Fogelson Forum on Real Estate, and the Real Estate and Urban Development Forum at Harvard University. He currently serves as an instructor for the Chicago, Illinois and National Associations of Realtors�, The Auction Marketing Institute (AMI), and the National Auctioneers Association. Mr. Good is one of the youngest people ever inducted into the prestigious Lambda Alpha International Land Economics Society, recognizing his success in bringing the real estate auction business to a national level.
Mr. Good signed a multi-book contract with Kaplan Publishing (a subsidiary of The Washington Post) to author books that address a variety of business topics. He has written numerous articles for Real Estate Review, Real Estate Business Magazine, The National Law Journal, American Banker's Association, Trust and Investment Magazine, American Bar Association, Real Property, Real Estate Today, The Complete Book on Personal Finance, The Chicago Sun-Times, Small Business Report, Real Estate Today, Probate and Property Magazine, Texas Realtor� Magazine, The Journal of Real Estate Development, Retail Leasing Reporter, Corporate Real Estate Executive, The Secured Lender, The Compleat Lawyer, and Real Estate News. Mr. Good has also been a featured columnist for Auction World magazine since 1990. Many of his articles are in the collection of the Department of Manuscripts and Archives at Cornell University Libraries, Ithaca, New York.
As a licensed broker in numerous states by examination or reciprocity, Mr. Good has been a member of the Chicago Bar Association�s Architecture and Law Committee; American, Illinois, Chicago, and Florida Bar Associations; American Bankruptcy Institute; and Turnaround Management Association. Mr. Good has earned the exclusive designation of Accredited Auctioneer of Real Estate (AARE) from the Auction Marketing Institute (AMI). He is also a member of the prestigious, international Young Presidents� Organization, the Real Estate Committee of The Executives� Club of Chicago, and has served on the Membership Committee of the Economic Club of Chicago.
Mr. Good has served as a Director of the Chicago, Illinois, and National Associations of Realtors�, and has been a member of the Realtors� Commercial Alliance Committee. Mr. Good�s leadership role in the Chicago Association of Realtors� commenced when he served as Chairman of their Commercial Investment Committee, and as a result of his continued dedication to the 16,500-member organization, was elected as their 121th president, as well as its Realtor of the Year. He was also selected by the leadership of the National Association of Realtors� to serve as Vice Chairman (and ultimately, Chairman) of the National Auction Forum, as well as Chairman of CAR�s Political Action Committee (CARPAC).
Mr. Good was named one of Chicago�s Ten Outstanding Young Citizens by the Chicago Jaycees, and he appears in Who�s Who Worldwide, Who�s Who in U.S. Corporate Executives, Who�s Who in American Law, and Who�s Who in Chicago Business as published by Crain�s Chicago Business.
Mr. Good has served as past Chairman of the Annual Campaign for the United Cerebral Palsy Association of Metropolitan Chicago, the Illinois Historical Society Centennial Business Awards Program, and served on the Board of Directors of the Easter Seal Society for Metropolitan Chicago.
He recently completed his term as Chairman of the Dean�s Advisory Council for the DePaul College of Law (Board of Trustees), during which time he was the first alum ever appointed by the University to serve on the Dean�s Search Committee. He is a past recipient of the The DePaul University College of Law Alumni Service Award, for outstanding service to the business community.
He also serves on the Advisory Boards of the Real Esate Center at the Kelly School of Business at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana and The School of Business Administration of the Citadel military College in Charleston, South Carolina.
In recognition of his various philanthropic activities, Mr. Good was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Robert Morris College, making him the third (and youngest) person in the history of the college to receive this honor. Mr. Good received the prestigious Infinitec Corporate Leadership Award for his work to raise funds for disabled persons from United Cerebral Palsy.
He has served as an honorary director of the Highland Park, Illinois, School Board 112 Charitable Foundation, from whom he received their A+ Award. Mr. Good regularly serves as a celebrity auctioneer, and raises over $1 million annually for numerous charitable and civic organizations.
Bachelor of Science Finance (Magna Cum Laude) Syracuse University
Juris Doctor, DePaul University College of Law
Doctor of Humane Letters, Robert Morris College
Worchester College, Oxford University
Accredited Auctioneer of Real Estate (AARE), Auction Marketing Institute