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Profile of Stewart Sweda

Stewart Sweda

Chief Sales, Marketing Officer - Careington International Corp.
Stewart Sweda Email :
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Company Name : Careington International Corp.
Company Website : www.careington.com
Company Address : 7400 Gaylord Pkwy.
, Frisco, TX,
United States,
Stewart Sweda Profile :
Chief Sales, Marketing Officer - Careington International Corp.
Stewart Sweda Biography :

Stewart Sweda has been an integral part of CAREINGTON�s growth for more than 14 years. Beginning as a Member Service representative, Stewart has worked in many areas of the company and is intimately familiar with all aspects of the business and the healthcare industry at large. Stewart�s comprehensive product knowledge, expansive market awareness and visionary leadership contribute to his and CAREINGTON�s success in the marketplace. During the past ten years, Stewart has led the growth of CAREINGTON�s membership from 500,000 to nearly 6 million. As Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, Stewart oversees all aspects of sales, marketing and provider network development, including product development, direct marketing, customer service and provider relations. An active member of both NADP and CHA, Stewart has forged relationships with major Managed Healthcare Organizations, PPOs, insurance companies and third party administrators. Stewart graduated from the University of Missouri in 1991. He enjoys golf, fishing and spending time with his family.

Stewart Sweda Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Barbara Williams

CEO, Pres., Association Chmn. - Consumer Health Alliance Please login

Tracy Berwick

COO Please login

Melissa Baumann

CFO Please login

Chuck Misasi

Sr. VP - Sales, Marketing Please login

Greg Rudisill

VP - Strategic Partnerships Please login

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