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Profile of Stu Slote

Stu Slote

Consultant - Summit Blue Consulting LLC
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Company Name : Summit Blue Consulting LLC
Company Website : www.summitblue.com
Company Address : 1722 14th St.
Ste. 230, Boulder, CO,
United States,
Stu Slote Profile :
Consultant - Summit Blue Consulting LLC
Stu Slote Biography :

Mr. Slote has over 19 years of experience in the energy efficiency industry. His areas of expertise include assessment, screening, and promotion of commercial, residential, and agricultural efficiency markets and measures; design of, implementation support for, and evaluation of utility demand side programs; building energy codes development, adoption, and implementation; and promoting commercial biomass and renewable energy systems. Prior to Summit Blue, Mr. Slote was Technical Director for EnSave, Inc., where he conducted agricultural energy efficiency audits and developed audit reports for Southern California Edison, Pacific Gas and Electric, Xcel Energy, Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. Responsibilities included customizing proprietary audit software tools; developing audit and measure technical savings calculations; screening benefit/costs of program offerings; and managing evaluation, measurement, and verification of energy savings. Mr. Slote was a Senior Analyst with Optimal Energy, Inc., where he conducted research and characterized and analyzed programs and measures for electric or gas energy efficiency. He also performed cost/benefits analysis, including costs and savings, with a focus on commercial demand side management programs and measures for LIPA, Efficiency Vermont, Massachusetts utilities, and other program administrators. Work included analyses, presentations, and reports projecting technical, economic, and achievable energy savings potentials in New York, Vermont, China, Michigan, Quebec, and the Northeast. He also led development of a commercial energy code for Vermont and evaluated Pacific Northwest energy code activities for the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance. He coordinated development and submission of technical proposals, including a successful proposal to the Asian Development Bank. As Building Energy Codes Project Manager for the Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Inc., Mr. Slote managed a regional project to develop consistent building energy codes and improve implementation in the New England states, New York, and the Mid-Atlantic region. He supported 11 Northeast states and the District of Columbia in energy code development, adoption, implementation, and evaluation. He managed a project advisory committee comprised of state, utility, and trade allies, facilitating project committee meetings, and was principal author of seven successful US DOE grant proposals, annual project work plans, quarterly and annual reports, and a project needs assessment. Mr. Slote coordinated the development of a bi-annual project newsletter and annual project workshop. He also managed consultant development of the Northeast Regional Building Energy Codes Impact Analysis; Lighting Power Density Model Applications Software; Commercial Energy Code Technical Assistance Pilot Project in Massachusetts; and Assessment of Code Officials in New Hampshire and Rhode Island. Mr. Slote coordinated publications on energy codes and indoor air quality; utility new construction programs; residential new construction and affordable housing; and trade allies support. The NEEP Codes Project was awarded Honorable Mention, Energy Codes and Standards Program category, by ACEEE in 2003, in America s Best: Profiles of America s Leading Energy Efficiency Programs. At the State of Vermont Department of Public Service, Mr. Slote conducted technical and economic analyses and evaluations of energy efficiency proposals for all new construction pursuant to the Energy Conservation and Public Utility Services Criteria under Vermont s Land Use and Development Control Law, Act 250. He also developed and implemented policy and program initiatives with emphasis on Act 250 energy standards and utility demand side management. Mr. Slote provided expert testimony before Act 250 District Environmental Commissions and the Environmental Board; the Vermont Legislature; and the Vermont Public Service Board. He was a negotiator on the design and implementation of collaborative utility demand side management programs; monitored and evaluated utility program expenditures and performance; conducted technical and economic analyses of measures, and co-wrote sections for the Vermont Comprehensive Energy and Twenty Year Electric Plans. Mr. Slote also conducted technical analysis in support of the Vermont Residential Energy Code adopted in 1997; promoted use of renewable fuels with an emphasis on biomass fuels; and was a member of the Coalition of Northeastern Governors Northeast Regional Biomass Program Steering Committee. He also advised homeowners and businesses on energy issues; conducted commercial energy audits; assessed technical proposals under the US DOE Institutional Conservation Program; managed and coordinated production of informational and technical publications; and conducted a bi-annual statistical residential energy survey. Mr. Slote was a co-author of successful U.S. DOE grant proposals and was a member of indoor air quality and building commissioning task forces.

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