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Profile of Sumon Mazumdar

Sumon Mazumdar

Principal, Emeryville - Lecg Corp.
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Company Name : Lecg Corp.
Company Website : www.lecg.com
Company Address : 2000 Powell St.
Ste. 600, Emeryville, CA,
United States,
Sumon Mazumdar Profile :
Principal, Emeryville - Lecg Corp.
Sumon Mazumdar Biography :

Sumon Mazumdar is a principal in the finance and damages practice at LECG and a visiting member of the finance faculty at the Haas School of Business at the University of California at Berkeley where he teaches graduate courses in corporate finance, capital markets, and financial institutions.

Dr. Mazumdar received a PhD in economics from Southern Methodist University in 1990 and a BSc (Honours) in economics from Calcutta University in 1984. Dr. Mazumdar has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in finance at several universities since 1989. Dr. Mazumdar has held tenured appointments on the faculties of McGill and York Universities in Canada, served as a visiting associate professor of finance at the Haas School of Business, University of California at Berkeley and as a visiting scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. He has also taught as a visiting professor at Strathclyde University in the UK, the People's University of China in Beijing and the University of Texas, Dallas.

Dr. Mazumdar has published over two dozen articles in leading academic and applied journals, such as the Financial Analysts Journal, Journal of Financial Research, European Financial Management, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Journal of Derivatives, Journal of Regulatory Economics, Journal of Risk and Insurance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Research in Finance, International Review of Economics and Finance, International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance, Pacific Basin Finance Journal and Santa Clara Law Review. He has also published numerous case studies, and op-ed pieces and commentaries in international financial newspapers and journals. Dr. Mazumdar has refereed for several peer-reviewed academic journals and presented his research at numerous conferences and universities in the US, Canada, and Europe as well as at institutions such as the Federal Reserve and the International Monetary Fund.

Dr. Mazumdar has received several international grants and prizes for his research and been recognized at the University of California, Berkeley for his teaching excellence. Dr. Mazumdar has been included in the International Directory of Business and Management Scholars and Research, and in Profiles in Business and Management: An International Directory of Scholars and Their Research, both published by Harvard Business School.

Dr. Mazumdar has managed a variety of consulting and litigation support assignments in the areas of valuation, commercial damages and securities fraud. His experience includes: securities fraud, corporate valuation and the valuation of interests in closely held firms, warrants, restricted stock, employee stock options, and other complex contingent securities and the valuation of intangible assets.

Sumon Mazumdar Colleagues :
Name Title Email

David Teece

Co - Founder, Vice Chmn. Please login

Marvin Tenenbaum

VP, General Counsel, Sec. Please login

William Liebeck

Dir. Please login

Tina Bussone

Head - Human Resources, Operations Please login

David Kaplan

Exec. Dir. - Washington DC Please login

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