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Profile of Suneil Mandava

Suneil Mandava

Dir., Pres., CEO - Mobile Aspects Inc.
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Company Name : Mobile Aspects Inc.
Company Website : www.mobileaspects.com
Company Address : 24 S. 18th St.
Ste. 300, Pittsburgh, PA,
United States,
Suneil Mandava Profile :
Dir., Pres., CEO - Mobile Aspects Inc.
Suneil Mandava Biography :

Suneil Mandava is the Founder and CEO of Mobile Aspects, Inc. Initially exposed to the potential for improving inefficient and time consuming processes within healthcare through early experiences at Johns Hopkins Hospital, in 2000 Mr. Mandava sought to address these issues through radio frequency identification (RFID) technology by founding Mobile Aspects, Inc. Since that time, Mr. Mandava has overseen the rapid growth of the organization, providing overall strategic direction for business and product development while also managing day-to-day operations of the company. During this time, Mr. Mandava has guided Mobile Aspects to becoming an innovative leader in the application of RFID technology to create operational and financial improvement for healthcare providers. Now a global company with corporate offices in Pittsburgh, Pa., and Bangalore, India, Mobile Aspects is providing RFID enabled technology solutions to hospitals across the country.

Through a combination of technical expertise in RFID and an understanding of the unique operational and financial processes of healthcare, Mr. Mandava has positioned himself as a thought leader in the deployment of RFID within the healthcare setting. Originally from Pittsburgh, Pa., Mr. Mandava is a frequent speaker and contributor to conferences focused on RFID and healthcare technologies. He also is on the Healthcare Action Group and sits on the Hospital Subcommittee of the EPC Global Standards Board. Prior to founding Mobile Aspects, Mr. Mandava worked for Accenture in the company's High Tech practice. Mr. Mandava also has performed research at the National Institutes of Health in the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute and the National Cancer Institute. Mr. Mandava is a graduate of the Johns Hopkins University, with a degree in Biomedical Engineering.

Suneil Mandava Colleagues :
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Venkatesh Deshpande

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Timur Sriharto

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Khang Le

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Prasad Mvl

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James Thrall

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