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Profile of Susan Tierney

Susan Tierney

Board Dir. - Catalytica Energy Systems Inc.
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Company Name : Catalytica Energy Systems Inc.
Company Website : www.catalyticaenergy.com
Company Address : 430 Ferguson Dr.
, Mountain View, CA,
United States,
Susan Tierney Profile :
Board Dir. - Catalytica Energy Systems Inc.
Susan Tierney Biography :

Susan Tierney, Ph.D., joined our board of directors in December 2001. Dr. Tierney is currently a managing principal of Analysis Group Inc. where she specializes in energy industry issues. Dr. Tierney served as Senior Vice President of Lexecon Inc. from 1995 to 2003. Dr. Tierney is Chairperson of the Board of Directors of The Energy Foundation and Clean Air-Cool Planet, non-profit organizations. Additionally, she is a director of the following non-profit organizations: Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Climate Policy Center and the Northeast States Clean Air Foundation. During 2004, she was also Chairperson of the board for the Electricity Innovation Institute (a subsidiary of EPRI). Before joining Lexecon (and its predecessor company, the Economics Resource Group) in November 1995, Dr. Tierney served in senior positions in federal and state government from 1983 until 1995, most recently as assistant secretary for policy at the U.S. Department of Energy, Secretary of Environmental Affairs for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities. Previously, she was an assistant professor at the University of California, Irvine from 1978 until 1982. Dr. Tierney has a Ph.D. and a Masters degree in regional planning from Cornell University and a bachelor's degree from Scripps College.

Susan Tierney Colleagues :
Name Title Email

William Ellis

Board Dir. Please login

Ralph Dalla Betta

CTO, VP, Technology Please login

Ricardo Levy

Board Dir. Please login

Robert Zack

Exec. VP, CFO Please login

Richard Abdoo

Board Dir. Please login

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