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Profile of Susan Craige

Susan Craige

Residential Design Mgr. - Crosland Inc.
Susan Craige Email :
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Company Name : Crosland Inc.
Company Website : www.crosland.com
Company Address : 227 W Trade St.
Ste. 800, Charlotte, NC,
United States,
Susan Craige Profile :
Residential Design Mgr. - Crosland Inc.
Susan Craige Biography :

Tenure with Crosland: Since 2006 Professional Experience As Design Manager for the Residential division, Susan focuses her energies on assisting and supporting the development process of both multi-family and mixed-use projects. With a professional background in the design industry, Susan uses her experience in tracking various project submittals, making finish selections, and facilitating the installation process. By helping coordinate the information flow between construction, development, and the sales teams she is able to establish useful feedback systems for future decision making. Upon graduation from Meredith College, Susan began her career as an interior designer focusing on residential applications. After becoming the proud mother of two, she rejoined the design community and has worked to develop and maintain relationships with vendors and clientele. As a Crosland team member, Susan will assist the development associates in the successful completion of its multiple communities.

Susan Craige Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Todd Mansfield

Chmn., CEO Please login

Edward Long

Sr. VP - Capital Markets Please login

Ronni Fridman

Sr. VP - Human Capital, Strategy Please login

Jennifer Murphy

VP, Controller Please login

Katie Hardman

VP, Dir. - Taxation Please login

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