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Profile of Sylvia Lautsch

Sylvia Lautsch

Sr. Counsel - Brown, Winfield & Canzoneri Inc.
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Company Name : Brown, Winfield & Canzoneri Inc.
Company Website : www.bwclaw.com
Company Address : 300 S Grand Ave.
14th Fl., Los Angeles, CL,
United States,
Sylvia Lautsch Profile :
Sr. Counsel - Brown, Winfield & Canzoneri Inc.
Sylvia Lautsch Biography :

Sylvia Lautsch serves as Special Counsel to the Firm's real estate department. Ms. Lautsch's broad practice includes commercial leasing, real estate development, and transactional real estate, including acquisitions and dispositions of commercial and industrial properties for national corporations, as well as representing them in tenancy issues. She also focuses her practice on real estate loan and security documentation for real estate and commercial credit financing transactions. Ms. Lautsch began her career representing public entities in public finance, redevelopment and municipal law. She was Assistant City Attorney for the Cities of Cypress and Lynwood, California, and Assistant City Attorney for the Planning Commissions of the Cities of Artesia and South El Monte, California PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Ms. Lautsch is a member of the State Bar of California; the Los Angeles County Bar Association, Real Estate Section where she was Chairman General Law Subsection (2001-2005). She is also a member of Stanford Professional Women, Los Angeles; City of Hope where she sat on their Board of Governors (1998-2000); and Women in Business, formerly on the Board of Directors (1996-1998). ARTICLES Ms. Lautsch co-authored "Lease Security," for Urban Land's TechTrends Supplement. EDUCATION Ms. Lautsch graduated from Boalt Hall School of Law in 1982. She also received her Master of Arts Degree in City Planning from the College of Environmental Design in 1982. Ms. Lautsch completed her undergraduate studies at Stanford University in 1978, receiving a Bachelor of Arts Degree in History.

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