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Profile of Tak Mak

Tak Mak

Chmn. - Member - Scientific Advisory Board - EntreMed Inc.
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Company Name : EntreMed Inc.
Company Website : www.entremed.com
Company Address : 9640 Medical Ctr. Dr.
, Rockville, MD,
United States,
Tak Mak Profile :
Chmn. - Member - Scientific Advisory Board - EntreMed Inc.
Tak Mak Biography :

Dr. Mak is Director of The Campbell Family Institute for Breast Cancer Research, and Professor, University of Toronto, Departments of Medical Biophysics and Immunology. He served as Vice President of Research, Amgen, Inc. and Director of the Amgen Research Institute (Toronto) from 1993 to 2002. Dr. Mak is internationally recognized for his breakthrough discoveries in cancer genetics, immunology, molecular biology and virology. These discoveries include locating, isolating and cloning the T cell receptor and creating genetically-engineered mice to increase the understanding of the human immune system, apoptosis and tumorigenesis. He holds numerous patents and has published over 500 articles in high-impact scientific journals around the world.

Dr. Mak has received several awards including the Sloan Prize of the General Motors Cancer Foundation, King Faisal International Prize for Medicine, Novartis Prize in Immunology, Gairdner International Award, E.W.R. Steacie Award (NSERC), Ayerst Award (Canadian Biochemical Society), Stacie Prize (Stacie Trust Foundation), Robert Noble Prize (NCIC), Killam Prize in Health Sciences (Canada Council for the Arts) and the Order of Canada. In March 2004, he received the 2004 Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Preis in Germany. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences (USA), the Royal Society of London, and the Royal Society of Canada.

Tak Mak Colleagues :
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Michael Tarnow

Exec. Chmn. Please login

Dwight Bush

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Peter Knight

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Mark Randall

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Carolyn Sidor

VP, Chief Medical Officer Please login

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