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Profile of Tarun Maini

Tarun Maini

Founder, Managing Partner - CTech LLC
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Company Name : CTech LLC
Company Website : www.ctechus.com
Company Address : 1607 E Big Beaver Rd.
Ste. 102, Troy, MI,
United States,
Tarun Maini Profile :
Founder, Managing Partner - CTech LLC
Tarun Maini Biography :

Tarun founded CTech in 1998 with a vision to provide services in Medical Records space and started Medical Transcription Services using global resources. Prior to founding CTech in 1998, he has over 13 years of diverse experience as an Information Technology professional in industries like Construction, Automotive and Healthcare. Throughout his career, he has held several positions in the IT field. Mr. Maini was a Software Engineer with Unisys Corporation from 1986 to 1988. He joined Electronic Data Systems (EDS) in 1989 and was managing Systems Engineering staff at EDS till 1997. During his tenure at EDS, he supported IT services at several General Motors accounts and had a broad exposure to industry leading IT practices and their impact on providing value-added services to clients. As an independent consultant for a year after, he was part of a high-level team at a major acute-care health system that studied the feasibility and submitted the findings and recommendations for implementing a $15M PACS system.Tarun strongly believes in the key role of technology in offering value to the clients and has aligned CTech with industry-leading technology providers in MT and physician billing space.He also holds a director�s position on the Board of CTech InfoSolutions Private Limited, New Delhi, India - CTech�s subsidiary. He graduated from Delhi University in 1985 with a Bachelor�s degree in Mechanical Engineering. In 1992, Tarun received a Masters of Science degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering from The University of Michigan.

Tarun Maini Colleagues :
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Rajesh Soin

Chmn. Please login

Stephanie Wallace

VP - Sales, Marketing Please login

Kevin Robie

Member - Management Team Please login

Judi Barrett

Transcription Mgr. Please login

Sherrie Brereton

QA Supervisor Please login

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