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Profile of Terrance Boult

Terrance Boult

Founder, CEO - Securics Inc.
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Company Name : Securics Inc.
Company Website : www.securics.com
Company Address : 1867 Austin Bluffs Pkwy.
Ste. 200, Colorado Springs, CO,
United States,
Terrance Boult Profile :
Founder, CEO - Securics Inc.
Terrance Boult Biography :

Securics is Dr. Boult's third startup involvement, both of which still ongoing with installations worldwide. Dr. Boult has over 20 years of experience in image-based technologies and security technologies. Boult has an extensive funding record with over 10 million in academic/industry funding for security related research in biometrics and surveillance over the past decade. Dr. Boult was part of the DARPA Human Identification at a Distance Program, where he greatly expanded his work in biometrics and lead to some of the technologies underlying Securics. Dr. Boult is also El Pomar Endowed Chair of Innovation and Security at Univ of Colorado at Colorado springs and was an endowed professor and founding chairman of Lehigh University's CSE Department. He served on the faculty of Columbia University for 8 years. Dr. Boult studied at Columbia University, earning his B.S. in Applied Mathematics in 1983, and his M.S. and Ph.D degrees in computer science in 1984 and 1986 respectively. He received an NSF Presidential Young Investigator award, and has won teaching awards at both Columbia University and Lehigh University, was named CU Innovator of the year for UCCS and was a finalist for the EE Times 2007 Innovator of the year. Dr. Boult has published over 150 papers and holds 6 patents, and has 8 patents pending. He publishes in Computer Vision/Robotics as well as in Networking and Mobile Computing. He has been the co-organizer of multiple workshops of Visual Surveillance, Performance Evaluation of Tracking Systems, and computer vision related topics. He has been on program committees for more than a two dozen IEEE and SPIE conferences and workshops on computer vision and sensor fusion and as well on the ACM program committee in software engineering. He has served as an associate editor for IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Perception (IEEE PAMI) and the IEEE PAMI TC Chair. A full vita can be found online Securics is building on technology developed by Dr. T. Boult and students at the Vast Lab of University of Colorado at Colorado Springs and the Colorado Institute of Technology Transfer and Implementation.

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