Thomas A. Natelli is President and Chief Executive Officer of Natelli Communities, a privately held real estate investment and development company. Under Mr. Natelli�s leadership, the company has earned numerous awards, including the prestigious Urban Land Institute National Award of Excellence for Large Scale Communities, Washington Metro Area Environmental Developer of the Year and Suburban Maryland Builder of the Year. In 1999, Mr. Natelli co-founded eStara, Inc., a privately held technology company, for which he currently serves as the Chairman of the board of Directors. He currently serves on the board of and is a past President of the board of the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Natelli also currently serves as Chairman of the board of trustees of Suburban Health Care System and Chairman of the board of trustees of Suburban Hospital, and heads the executive committees of those two boards. He also serves on the board of directors of FBR National Bank and Trust, a wholly-owned affiliate of Friedman, Billings, Ramsey Group, Inc. Mr. Natelli played a central role in creating the Montgomery Housing Partnership in 1989, a non-profit organization created to preserve and expand the supply of affordable housing in Montgomery County, Maryland. Mr. Natelli received a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Duke University.