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Profile of Thomas Olivo

Thomas Olivo

Pres. - Success Profiles
Thomas Olivo Email :
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Company Name : Success Profiles
Company Website : www.successprofiles.com
Company Address : 200 Longhorn Rd.
, Bozeman, MT,
United States,
Thomas Olivo Profile :
Pres. - Success Profiles
Thomas Olivo Biography :

Tom Olivo is the Founder and President of Success Profiles, Inc., a consulting firm that specializes in marketplace research and business performance measurement. Established in 1990, the firm designs and provides organizational performance measurement instruments and database management services to clients, management consulting firms, accounting firms and affinity groups. The focus of the service offering is to create, measure and manage "actionable knowledge." In his professional career, Mr. Olivo has over 17 years of experience in identifying, measuring and comparing the "commonalties" of highly successful athletes, business leaders, and organizations. Tom has worked in a multitude of industries with hundreds of senior executives and managers, emphasizing the importance of high performance standards consistent with "best business practices." Tom's work with Olympic athletes, coaches and successful business leaders led to the development of several unique diagnostic instruments that measure business performance. The Success Profiles methodology combined with a measurement framework and supporting research data, prove that consistent success in business today rarely occurs by accident. In fact, there are specific predictors, critical success factors, behaviors, and business practices that contribute to success among people and organizations. These characteristics can be identified, measured, and compared over time as performance indicators to improve business results. Throughout his life, Tom has been very involved in competitive athletics. His collegiate career was highlighted by twice being honored as an NCAA All-American in the sport of Springboard Diving. As a Coach, Tom has developed athletes at every level of competition and in 1985 he was recognized as an NCAA coach of the year. Tom serves as a Board Member of the Entrepreneurial Education Foundation (Denver, Colorado), The Great Game of Business (Springfield, Missouri) and is the Vice President of the Whirling Disease Foundation (Bozeman, Montana). He is a founding partner of MentorU.com, a member of the American Productivity and Quality Center (APQC), the American Society of Quality (ASQC), and the American Society of Training and Development (ASTD). Tom lives in Bozeman, Montana with his wife Katie and daughters Sarah and Christine. His personal interests include competitive running and fly-fishing.

Thomas Olivo Colleagues :
Name Title Email

Jeff Jamison

Sr. Dir. - Research, Assessment Services Please login

Mark Oborn

Member - Success Profiles Please login

Joyce Gioia

Member - Success Profiles Please login

Ron Warren

Psychologist Please login

Karen Berman

Member - Success Profiles Please login

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