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Profile of Thomas Vozzo

Thomas Vozzo

Exec. VP - Aramark Corp.
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Company Name : Aramark Corp.
Company Website : www.aramark.com
Company Address : Aramark Tower
1101 Market St., Philadelphia, PA,
United States,
Thomas Vozzo Profile :
Exec. VP - Aramark Corp.
Thomas Vozzo Biography :

Thomas Vozzo is Executive Vice President, ARAMARK Corporation and President, ARAMARK Uniform and Career Apparel (AUCA). Vozzo was elected as an executive officer of ARAMARK Corporation in November 2004.

Mr. Vozzo became AUCA President in March 2003. AUCA comprises two direct sales companies, WearGuard-Crest and Galls, as well as ARAMARK Uniform Services, a rental service company. Prior to that, Vozzo was President of Galls. He joined Galls in 1996, immediately upon its acquisition by ARAMARK, and led the transition of the company from a private organization to a full member of the ARAMARK family, from a public safety equipment company to a full service provider for all public safety workers.

Prior to the move to Galls, Mr. Vozzo spent 11 years at WearGuard, joining while it was still a private company. He was part of the management team that worked through the acquisition by ARAMARK, taking on a variety of roles in merchandising, sales and marketing, rising to Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing.

Mr. Vozzo holds a Bachelors degree in mathematics from the University of Delaware, and a Masters in mathematical science/engineering from Johns Hopkins University.

Thomas Vozzo Colleagues :
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