Tom�s 30 year career includes both small business and Fortune 1000 experience. Partnerships in various start-up and work-out commercial real estate, high tech and service driven companies have given him a broad background. Tom has extensive experience in investment banking, corporate finance and sales training and management. His career includes working in the management of many merged or acquired companies including a single Fortune 1000 financial services company that sold three times in three years, with the final sale to CIT. His international experience includes three years in management with Tokai Bank, Japan. For five years he was a Vice President with AT&T Capital managing the national medical/scientific lending for the firm with a sales staff of 15. This was the Road Warrior period of his life, achieving Million Mile Status with American Airlines. In this capacity, he managed a captive portfolio of medical equipment loans between Abbott Laboratories and AT&T Capital. Denitech, a high tech service company, engaged Tom as a partner to increase the sales of the company to ready it for acquisition. After Denitech sold, Tom received a contract to stay on and transition the new company, Imagine Technology Group. He also spent a year helping American Express package the Business Finance group for sale to Key Bank. Southwest Adventures and Dino Hospitality are LLC�s Tom set-up to develop secondary markets for second home/leisure real estate development. The Board of Commerce and Industry in Wichita Falls, Texas chose Tom as Small Business Person of the Year in 1986 at the age of 32. Tom received a BBA in Finance and a Private Pilot�s license from The University of Oklahoma where he also taught Marketing Concepts as a graduate assistant. |